Recent content by Oxland

  1. Oxland

    cupola plans?

    Hi All! I have approx. a 12' X 12' old shed that was converted into our coop. The peak is about 10'. It has one 4' X 2' window ( 4' long ), and one 3' tall X 2' wide window along with a 1' sq. pop door. I would really like to build a 16" sq. or so cupola for the top but, can't find any plans for...
  2. Oxland

    Official BYC Poll - How Many Square Feet Per Chicken?

    We have 11 girls in a 12 'X 12' coop that's 10' at the peak. The outside run is 10' X 20' X 6' dog kennel panels with the top fully covered in chain link and wire fencing. There is also a 4' X 8' X 3' old rabbit hutch in the outside run that they play in and lay eggs. 2' of one end is enclosed...
  3. Oxland


    Hello all! I would like to build a small 2' X 2' X 8" box to place inside the coop to give the girls a place to dust bathe. Can someone give suggestions as to what to add to this box? I have fine play sand, hardwood sawdust from my woodworking shop and hardwood ashes from the woodstove...
  4. Oxland

    Are eggs still good if they freeze?

    Hello all! This is my first visit to the forum. Although I haven't gotten any yet, I am curious about gathering possible frozen eggs. The temps here in central Iowa are in the single digits right now in the mornings. The Mrs. and I cant' usually gather eggs 'till afternoon and we are worried...
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