Recent content by pat1297

  1. pat1297

    hens not laying

    I only have 4 hens but none of them have given me an egg for more than 2 weeks. I am in N Fla and weather has not changed much here. Nothing has changed in the hen house, yard or feed, they do not appear sick in any way. They eat and drink same as always. What could be the problem? I am...
  2. pat1297

    Baby Chicks 2

    Baby Chicks Two Days Old Baby Chicks One Week Old Baby Chicks 10 Days Old Big Brown, Head Boss
  3. pat1297

    Anyone making hand stitched quilts?

    That is beautiful..... Points are right on and lovely stitching.
  4. pat1297

    Feed Storage?

    I only have 4 hens so the food lasts a long time. I keep it in the garage which probably heats up to 100 degrees, but I got those little crawling black bugs in both layer crumbles and scratch. I had them both in the big plastic bins with tight top, so I imagine the bugs larva was in there...
  5. pat1297

    Feed Storage?

    Do you folks get the darn little black bugs in your feed? I hate that even tho my feed was in a rubbermaid container I still got bugs.
  6. pat1297

    Cheap home made waterer or feeder

    I like it....and need to make one.
  7. pat1297

    hen 'crying'...please help!

    WOW, what a story. I need to pay more attention to my girls.....I dont think of them with a heart and soul like that.
  8. pat1297

    Banana peels?

    Oh Oh, my girls have been eating and love banana peels. I havent seen a problem with them....
  9. pat1297

    Cardboard Nesting Boxes

    I use a cardboard banana box. They dont have a problem with it and are laying ok. They push the bedding around to their liking.
  10. pat1297

    My chickens have figured out that my voice

    I just go out the door and they come running. I do not even say a word. They are such beggars, always seem to be ready to eat.
  11. pat1297

    Clean coop

    I have a screen instead of the board idea, but here recently I have discovered newspaper works great. I lay it down and they all poop on it. Easy clean up........They dont care where they poop, sometimes they will displace the paper but not usually.
  12. pat1297

    What do I do with old pine shavings?

    Put in compost pile or if dont have one I mulch with them. They are valuable for the poop.
  13. pat1297

    Nest box madness

    I have a big banana cardboard box that 2 can sit in. It has pinestraw and they love it, but prefer to go solo when in it. I have 6 hens and they share with no problem.
  14. pat1297

    Looking for ideas for small gutters on my coop

    I have used some flashing that has a little lip on it for attaching. I used small screws to attach and it worked out great and was only a few $
  15. pat1297

    Who are the famous people now raising their own chickens?

    If you dont clean the poop out, carry in the food and bedding, feed and water as well as cleaning the feeder and waterer, I would not count those folks are raising chickens. Their help does. Just saying.
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