Recent content by PatShea

  1. PatShea

    swollen breast!?

    Yes she is , she is still very loving too , I been looking at her poop and it looks like the other hens , and she is eating and drinking ,she does her dusy bath too , I don't think she is in any pain or discomfort , when I hold her I massage it and she don't seem to mind
  2. PatShea

    When do Wyandottes generally start laying?

    Mine are 21 weeks old and they squat , and still no eggs :(
  3. PatShea

    swollen breast!?

    My Buff Orpington is 21 weeks old she has not laid an egg yet , and she has the same problem , her right side is swollen ( yes she does look like she had breast implants ) has been for a couple of days now , I'm worried about her , what can I do ? I'm looking for a Vet that takes care of...
  4. Miss. Prissy 
a 4 month old White Leghorn

    Miss. Prissy a 4 month old White Leghorn

  5. Henrietta 
a 4 month old Sliver Wyanotte

    Henrietta a 4 month old Sliver Wyanotte

  6. Chick A Dee
a 3 year old RIR

    Chick A Dee a 3 year old RIR

  7. Our Girls

    Our Girls

  8. PatShea

    How to keep chickens cool in the heat. Tips wanted!

    Thank you ! That's what my Mother in law and hubby has been telling me . This is the first time I've been around Chickens , and I'm trying to raise them LOL :)
  9. PatShea

    Rules and Regulations Lakewood Colorado,

    Thank you !!! For all the info and websites , they were very helpful. We are allowed Chickens !!! :D We had Chickens before but we had to give the back , they were only a couple of months old than , it broke our hearts to see them go .
  10. PatShea

    Saddle Feathers?

    I pretty sure I have 4 roos by their large red crowns and waddles and some one is crowing out there maybe a couple of them are ,I can't tell who's crowing.
  11. PatShea


    I hope all goes well
  12. PatShea


    Good Luck !!! and I'm sorry I hope all things go well. How many chickens do you have ? Because I have 10 , and I live in the foothills.
  13. PatShea

    When is 'old enough?'

    Good question I also would like to know, we have 6 RIR'S and 4 of them are Roos they are now 4 months old
  14. PatShea

    I saw a Real RIR Hen for the first time !!!

    Thanks everyone that's what I thought too.
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