Recent content by pcord

  1. pcord

    Total Chicken Guilt

    So after cleaning up my gardens for the umpteenth time, washing poop off my patio and worrying whether or not they were on my neighbor's property I decided to revoke my chicken's free-ranging privileges. I went out this morning to change their water and food and like the bunch of jailbirds they...
  2. pcord

    Diarrhea, bloated abdomen

    I have a bird exhibiting precisely the same symptoms. Attached is a photo of her droppings. Her symptoms have been going on for months now. She's less animated than the other birds but certainly looks plump. She does eat and drink and eagerly takes scraps. She's got crusted poop on her...
  3. pcord

    Hawk Attack

    For what it's worth (and for the future), I had a hawk attack earlier this year. The hawk opened up a pretty good gash on the chicken's side complimented by a few puncture wounds. The attack-ee was behaving relatively normally after the attack despite have a 2" wide gash down to the muscle. I...
  4. pcord

    Assistance needed in the wound care department

    A few days ago one of our hens was attacked by a hawk. We ran out and broke things up but unsurprisingly the hen suffered some damage. There are two wounds- a puncture wound which seems to be healing OK and a larger wound where the skin was torn and muscle was visible beneath. This was around...
  5. pcord

    A little help with diagnosis of a sick chicken- pics

    So what is the protocol when molting? Does she stay outside in these temps (teens at night, freezing during the day)? The other girls are picking on her a bit and she's thin but I sure don't want to keep her inside for long! Also, how long does the molt last?
  6. pcord

    A little help with diagnosis of a sick chicken- pics

    I checked for mites but I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. I didn't see anything crawling around and it's hard to tell what might be skin flecks vs. eggs. I guess the mite check was tentatively negative. Attached is a better photo. Could she be molting this time of year? It's frigid...
  7. pcord

    A little help with diagnosis of a sick chicken- pics

    We have 5 chickens and one of them has been under the weather for a few months now. At first it was lethargy, a moderated appetite and poop caked on the feathers near her vent. Now she's beginning to lose feathers especially around her neck. They are new as of April 2010 and have not molted...
  8. pcord

    Soiled Chicken

    I have almost the exact same situation: a chicken acting lethargic, moderately interested in eating. The bird has been acting this way for almost a week now. She roosts at night and just sits in the run by herself during the day. We finally got around to checking her vent today and found it...
  9. pcord

    5 hens in 1/4 acre pen--how is the grass going to look? *update!*

    My prediction is you'll be fine especially if you give them table scraps. My hens don't really eat too much grass.
  10. pcord

    If you have a dog.....

    I have and English Setter (bird dog) and she leaves them alone mostly. She's only interested when the flap or fly and even then, she's never hurt one (but sure would like to I bet!). I leave her alone with the free range birds- mostly runs through the flock on her way to bark at walkers or any...
  11. pcord

    Supplemental light for winter laying

    I just want you all to know that I don't use additional light AND I feel like I'm holier than the rest of you!
  12. pcord

    Will a dog help deter a fox attack? What type?

    My dog chases the fox off my property actively and I think the fox knows the dog is there. Not sure if the fox knows that I have chickens though!
  13. pcord

    Cheap solar ideas

    Umm, you are aware that perpetual motion as promised by this website is a physical impossibility, right? I would be HIGHLY suspicious of this.
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