Organic Gardener, former Preacher, old house restorationist and political activist. Love Global Travel, music festivals, community gatherings, art galleries, Breweries, and using Public Transportation and hope to return to all those after the Pandemic. Stay safe and happy, everyone.
December 11
Portland, Oregon USA - 97217
Real Name
Julie Mikalson
Why do you want to join our community?
First year having poultry. 6 TeenEgger Pullets on a double city lot. RIP Goldie! Currently learning to hatch Shipped Eggs.



Re-homed 4 Hatched Feb 2021. Kept 5 Pullets to join 5 layers from Memorial Day Hatch '20 @MeyerHatchery - 2 PBR, 1 Black Jersey Giant, 1 bossy Exchequer Leghorn, and Rusty - RIR/production Red folks said was a Boy. All great layers! NW OR. RIP Goldie and Wylie. [/I]




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    Anniversary: 3 Year

    WOOT! Happy 3 year anniversary!
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    Anniversary: 2 Year

    Time flies when you're having fun! Happy 2 year anniversary!
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