Recent content by pebblesdolly

  1. pebblesdolly

    nail trims

    I like this idea
  2. pebblesdolly

    Trimming chickens toe nails

    Oh my gosh, really, do I have to trim my chickens nails? I don't want to, but if its necessary I will. Why?
  3. pebblesdolly

    Winter is Coming! Checklists, tips, advice for a newbie

    I'm not going to do anything different during the winter. I live in the Midwest. I just started having back yard chickens. I'm not interested in spending a bunch of money on a whole lot of stuff I don't need. So I'm going to be experimenting with the motto "less is more" attitude. If the...
  4. pebblesdolly

    Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

    I have an Iowa blue hen and she's VERY flighty, and acts like a rooster, weird!!!! I'm not fond of her, although when the sunlight hits her feathers just right you can see the blue in her feathers, otherwise she looks black with white highlights around her neck.
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