Recent content by Peep This 6

  1. Peep This 6

    reviews on hoover's hatchery?

    I was nervous about ordering from them, just because I have never ordered chicks before (I'm new at this and bought my leghorns from Tractor Supply). I ordered 10 Ameraucanas. The USPS is terrible at keeping up with tracking info and I was worried they would be in the box for way too long. I...
  2. Peep This 6

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Can anyone tell me roughly how old my Leghorns are? I bought them as babies, but I am unsure how "baby" they were at the time. They grew like weeds!
  3. Peep This 6

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    They are the weirdest, cutest, fluffiest things I've ever seen. It has only been 48 hours for this first timer but I am already so in love with them!!!
  4. Peep This 6

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    We were doing great until the freezing cold! Lol. Husband does not work well under 60° I guess it will be up to me to finish. We are super close so I don't see a problem. I just wish it was over 20° LOL
  5. Peep This 6

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    The coop isn't finished yet but I guess this will light a fire under us
  6. Peep This 6

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    They are cedar, but I dont know about the bugs...I will have to look into that!! Thank you
  7. Peep This 6

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yes it is shingles over plywood. I measured, he built, I sided. And with me being 5' 3", that roof was a pain!! LOL
  8. Peep This 6

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Originally it was going to (yellow with blue shutters), the shutters and doors match the shutters on the house, but I love the shingle look so much that I do not think I will be painting it yellow.
  9. Peep This 6

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    From start to "OMG we are almost done with this thing!!"
  10. Peep This 6

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thank you. I think I am all set. Someone on here is gonna hatch me some chicks. I am very excited.
  11. Peep This 6

    First timer in Central NY

    I was also trying to find someone to go in with me so that I can order from them. However, someone on this site is gonna hatch some for me and she is only 1.5 hours away. So glad I joined!! :)
  12. Peep This 6

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yeah, until the end of March it's a 15 min. We are hoping to have them in the middle of March :(
  13. Peep This 6

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Lights, and my husband wants an automatic door opener that is on a timer.
  14. Peep This 6

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Great coop! We aren't exactly rushing, but the coop is taking up "his" garage. And just having it done and not having to worry about it will be nice. Plus he wants to put a bunch of fancy things on it (i.e. solar power) Its already super fancy. We call it the Taj Mahal of coops lol. I will post...
  15. Peep This 6

    First timer in Central NY

    Thank you!
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