Recent content by peewee918

  1. peewee918

    Guinteas being systematically executed!

    Well nothing last night. Heard two of them around 9 PM but that was it. I stayed out in the trees until about 12 AM. Then came back in side. Had all of the birds inside coop and various pens except for the adult turkeys. Would they take on an adult turkey? Also would they crawl underneath my...
  2. peewee918

    Guinteas being systematically executed!

    I have the red flashing lights around the sides of the pen but not on top of pen. On sides to detract coyotes and bobcats. What about a motion light outside?
  3. peewee918

    Guinteas being systematically executed!

    Just lost another bird last night. Been locking birds up for the most part but a few refuse and hide under the coop. Recently had one of my ducks attacked too. Tried to rip her head off! Has talon marks on her neck but she escaped. Lost a big Lanshan rooster last night. I'm telling you this...
  4. peewee918

    Guinteas being systematically executed!

    Hello, I recently set up my coop inside a gigantic run. 90x75 to be exact and 6 ft tall. The killing started about 3 weeks ago. Lost two chickens. Chickens wised up and started going either inside the coop or under coop at night. However guineas and turkeys staying outside of coop in run on...
  5. peewee918

    Anyone have any idea where I could get a Regal Red tom somewhere close to Stillwater, Ok.

    Anyone have any idea where I could get a Regal Red tom somewhere close to Stillwater, Ok.
  6. peewee918

    Overly broody hen

    I've tried sooooo many times telling the kids to leave her eggs alone! Lol! They just enjoy picking up the eggs. I open up the coop once I'm home from work to let them free range and if I'm not careful or watching, the kids go in there and take her egg out and put it in the fridge. If I could...
  7. peewee918

    Overly broody hen

    I have a 9 month old orpington hen that refuses to get out of her box even though she does not still have an egg in it! It's the craziest thing. I took the egg out almost a week ago and she will not get out of the darn box or even lay another egg! I was worried she wasn't eating so every day I...
  8. peewee918

    A couple turkey questions

    I think that it would probably be safe to say that if the bird has reached sexual maturity and has been around members of the opposite sex and not displayed any signs of aggression then that would be the case for the future. Other than if it feels threatened.
  9. peewee918

    Turkeys outside?

    As long as they have a place where they can get out of the elements and keep dry they should be fine.
  10. peewee918

    A couple turkey questions

    I have 3 turkeys. One BBBronze and 2 BBW. I love them. They are so friendly. My BBBronze particularly loves kids. Go figure! LOL! Mine free range with my chickens when I'm at home. I coop them at night. Most everywhere I've read says 2 turkeys can stay comfortably in a 90 square foot pen. I...
  11. peewee918

    looking for royal palm and bourban red turkeys

    Not a problem. I would feel terrible if the bird died on the way home. I'll see if I can find someone closer.
  12. peewee918

    looking for royal palm and bourban red turkeys

    Do you know how far that is from Stillwater, Ok? How old is the turkey? How much are you asking? Sorry lots of questions! LOL.
  13. peewee918

    looking for royal palm and bourban red turkeys

    Oh my gosh! Where are u at in N. Texas? I am so interested. Can you tell me a little info about him?
  14. peewee918

    Egg laying trance???

    Most of my hens go in a trance. I can sit there and pet them when normally I wouldn't be allowed to even touch them! I do have a couple of hens that do express their discontent though! lol!
  15. peewee918

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    :lol:yeah i had 15 eggs out of 18 that should be laying. I was pretty stoked!
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