Recent content by Percipen

  1. Percipen

    Indian Runner Colour Mutations

    Blue x blue = 50% blue, 25% black, 25% silver Black x black = 100% black Silver x silver = 100% silver I want to say to get 100% blue, you mate a blue and a black, but not completely sure on that one. Those are the easy ones for me. Right now I have a fawn and white x blue baby that's a few...
  2. Percipen

    Do I need a duck run if they are going to be free range?

    Mine free range. I dont have a run, but a predator proof house. I let everyone out at dawn, and at dusk they go in on their own and I lock them in for the night. Of course the house is kept open during the day so they can seek shelter in really bad weather and I also have a broody hen with a...
  3. Percipen

    Cayuga cross???

    I have a full cayuga that has similar light markings like yours. I think she might be what some would call a "lower quality" cayuga. She was hatched from an egg from metzer and not perfectly marked but she is the sweetest
  4. Percipen

    If I got a few cayugas and crossed them with a different breed would offspring lay black eggs?

    I wish I could help more but my cayuga x blue runner mix is only a couple weeks old. I think the cross I have would be a gray-green colored egg, but I'm not sure. Here's a pic of my little one about a week ago with her blue x fawn & white runner sibling...I'm hatching some mixes from my blue...
  5. Percipen

    Ducks are here!!!

    Congratulations! They're adorable! I'm awful at naming (my kids name ours) but I'll take a stab: Honey and Meg for the girls? Pepper for the boy?
  6. Percipen

    Broody duck on failed nest

    This year is my first experience with a broody duck. She has yet to hatch her own eggs bc she kicks the eggs out a couple days before they're due to hatch...i put them in the incubator if I see veins and there are 3 that hatched in the last week and 2 more that will prob hatch tomorrow or...
  7. Percipen

    Duckling with a bald spot

    This little one is a cayuga/blue runner mix that hatched a week ago. She had a bald spot on her back when she hatched and I figured it would start filling in by now, but it is still just bare skin...has anyone had this happen before? I worry that she wont be able to live outside as an adult bc...
  8. Percipen

    Who's this babies mama?

    Thank you! Gosh I was really hoping someone would have one or both of those mixes so i could compare. I guess this will be one of those wait and see moments 😊
  9. Percipen

    Who's this babies mama?

    My blue runner hen went broody this year. She pushed an egg out of the nest about a week ago. It was still alive so I threw it in the incubator (not expecting much) and it hatched over the weekend. The daddy is my blue runner, but mama could be my buff or one of my 2 fawn and white runners. Any...
  10. Percipen

    Our new nugget children

    They're getting so big! I wouldn't worry about the bill color just yet. Wait and see if she gets a quack.
  11. Percipen

    First time duck momma... to a silkie

    Awwww congrats! What a cute little family 😊
  12. Percipen

    Duel purpose docile duck breeds

    I would recommend indian runners. They're fun to watch, great with kids and great foragers
  13. Percipen

    Anyone know where to find Bali Ducks for sale?

    I have never been able to find anyone that breeds Bali's in the US. They are beautiful ducks though!!
  14. Percipen

    Call Duck Genetics Help needed.

    Gosh I wish I could help. I'm not familiar with call ducks. Hopefully someone can point you in the right direction
  15. Percipen

    Comment by 'Percipen' in media '20210526_170119[1].jpg'

    I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful duck
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