Recent content by petrie

  1. petrie

    egg with blood on the shell

    We have 3 Rhode Island Reds, a Barred Rock, and a Japanese Bantam. I know it's not from the Bantam but other than that I have no clue. I've checked all their feet/ bodies/ and back ends and found no wounds or signs of blood. We have not found another bloody egg and they have continued laying as...
  2. petrie

    egg with blood on the shell

    Help! One of my girls laid an egg with (what I would consider) a lot of blood on it. This is the first time it's happened and I'm mot sure who it came from. Also I'm almost positive this is noy a maiden egg. What could be causing this? :-(
  3. petrie

    What Dogs Do You Have!! Post Dog Pics Here!!

    This is my baby girl. Her name is also Nina!
  4. petrie

    Letter to City of Hayward... What do you think?

    I am also a Hawyard resident. Last spring I called Alameda animal control to see if chickens were allowed. They said no chickens are allowed with in Hayward city limits but if you live in unincorporated Hayward you could have up to 3 hens.
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