Recent content by PhilippinerDreamer

  1. PhilippinerDreamer

    Silkie crosses?

    I also breed Silkie cross's and the offspring will be extremely inconsistent. All traits from the both breeds will appear randomly. Different sizes, 5 toes, 6 toes, name it. Skin can be any color from black, grey to pink and the feathers play no role in the skin color.No 2 birds...
  2. PhilippinerDreamer

    Dumb little chick won't drink

    Just found a solution that has worked perfectly for the last 50 or so Chicks that I remove from my incubator after 24 hours, and teach them to drink within a few moments or even seconds. (Yes.... I do agree shiny marbles work well, but that's a waiting game.) This is what I always will do now as...
  3. PhilippinerDreamer

    6 Toes?

    I have a Chinese Silkie with 5 toes on one foot and 6 on the other, I named him (Agent 11) true BTW
  4. PhilippinerDreamer

    Making your own breed!

    I have created my own breed and am unaware of any other bird as such. Hoping this post can act as a time stamp and verification (of sorts) that my birds are as unique as I suspect. The cross is x3...... Chinese Silkie, Lohmann white, Sussex white. The Lohmann being a primarily egg layer with no...
  5. PhilippinerDreamer

    Re-introducing myself

    Seems we have a wee tad in common. I just started around 6 months back, currently 52 chickens, 11 goats, 6 ducks and five turkey. Looking at 13 turkey eggs now and 20 newly born chickens. Responding to your post as maintenance to the farm and my 7 buildings in all was considered before I even...
  6. PhilippinerDreamer

    Will a Lowmann classic white go broody?

    I have 2 Lohmann white with 13 eggs between them. The Rooster is (Chinese Silkie/ Sussex cross) I was told by a fairly knowledgeable farmer here in the Philippines that I will need to incubate the eggs as the Lohmann Hen will not sit on the eggs. Is this information correct? On a pleasant note...
  7. PhilippinerDreamer

    Silkie Lovers, Show Off Your Fuzzy Chickens Here?!

    Yes. The female molted but she's growing her wig back. Seems clear that they are a mix as only 4 toes are present over the 5 a pure has. They are Bantum size, blue to black skin and have maintained a Silki calm nature.
  8. PhilippinerDreamer

    Silkie Lovers, Show Off Your Fuzzy Chickens Here?!

    This thread has inspired the Wife and I to name our Silki couple, Sonny and Cher
  9. PhilippinerDreamer

    Hellos from the Philippines

    Indeed it is Buco Fronds (coconut leaves) taken from my own trees. Thanx for the positive response.
  10. PhilippinerDreamer

    Hellos from the Philippines

    As I just joined I was stocking up my farm a wee bit, I had yet to post images of some stock. Thought I would just add the works here. 2 Chinese Chickens with 9 eggs, 50 Lohmann egg laters (white) my 5 Heritage Turkey, 5 Itik Pinas Ducks, 1 male 4 female.....enjoy, I know I will. Aslo some of...
  11. PhilippinerDreamer

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    Hopefully a laugh a day can pull us through all this. Best regards.
  12. PhilippinerDreamer

    Chicks and turkeys?

    If you don't want to contribute to your flocks demise for a multitude of reasons, Do not mix. There are numerous threads on the topic here and off the bat....... I just got Turkeys and that's of coarse after I built a separate pen away from my Chickens. Best regards for success.
  13. PhilippinerDreamer

    Lohmann whites?

    Sorry to bump a necro thread, but now a days I think you can find all you ever need to know by searching the term LOHMANN LSL-CLASSIC white I have taken on 50 of them recently and hope to keep my progress updated. Cheers!
  14. PhilippinerDreamer

    Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

    Even though there is no Covid in my area, we are now on another extension for 2 weeks.
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