Recent content by phoenixrises

  1. phoenixrises

    Planning next year already. . .

    Well I lost 4 of my hens last week, due to a carelessness on my part. That currently leaves me with: 2 - Barred Rock roosters who know their job and are very good at it (4 months old) 1 - Jersey Giant, whom we love, her buddy is one of the 4 we lost (7 months) 2 - GLW (4 months) 2- buff...
  2. phoenixrises

    We ended up with an extra large bird. How do you cook such a huge bird?

    I worry about it being way to overdone on the outside and the inside still wouldn't be cooked, even unstuffed. We decided to cut up our large one for other meals and then eat our slightly smaller 25 lber. Slow and steady wins the race, and I would expect the skin would be near inedibble with...
  3. phoenixrises

    We suck at processing

    OMG, we have done some amazing things since moving to the country, and most of it has been made possible by watching it done on YouTube. Processing is not one of those things. The first turkey (our largest) we manged to tie up and slit his throat but though we thought we had a good cut and...
  4. phoenixrises

    Thinking about raising Turkeys

    I tried keeping my turkeys separate from our turkeys and it was a lost cause, If they didn't go into the chicken coop at night they would try to come into our house. . . So I gave up on making them sleep in their own area while they were free ranging. I got BBB for eating this year and I...
  5. phoenixrises

    What should I feed my turkeys to get them fat and juicy??

    This is my first time raising Turkeys. I decided to do similar to what the French do with their Brisee chickens and have no clue if it will matter or not. They have free ranged over 5 acres until yesterday. yesterday I moved them to an 8x8 shed with a small 4x4 outdoor "porch" they can go out...
  6. phoenixrises

    Turkey Processing

    Ok I have my first two turkeys. The tom is VERY large. Live weight two weeks ago was 35lbs (granted that was me holding him while stepping on a scale and subtracting my weight but he's big). I've processed chickens but that set up will NOT work for a bird of that size (luckily the other is a...
  7. phoenixrises

    When does egg color normalize?

    I'm sorry I wasn't clear, it's on a single egg. One end is almost Maran dark and the other end is white!
  8. phoenixrises

    When does egg color normalize?

    I got 2 jersey giants literally days before they started laying about 4 weeks ago. While their eggs are a normal size (though a bit small compared to my 2 EE) the color is off. They are faded from dark brown to almost white. I realize this is related to the speed at which the egg moves down...
  9. phoenixrises

    Dog Thinks Silkies are Squeaky Toys

    So, I have a great dog and a number of chickens. The dog has been around them outside since they were 3 weeks old and feathered enough to be out free ranging. They are now 9 weeks. A couple weeks ago I added a 4 baby silkies, for broodies to use next year. Really never thought a thing about...
  10. phoenixrises

    Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

    My son picked Black Jersey Giants as the breed he would like to show for 4H. I have 15 on order for next year, but to get us through and let us meet the breed I got two 6 month old pullets locally. They are hatchery bred, and therefore no where near show quality but my are they gorgeous! And...
  11. phoenixrises

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Just wanted to stop in and say what I decided to do with the random meat bird that had gleet. I decided to go ahead and treat him, not because he has any real value but because in the future I may have a bird of value that I'd like to treat and wanted to use this guy as my guinea pig. Any way...
  12. phoenixrises

    4H Breed - Black Jersey Giant

    I was pushing him towards silkies (because I think they are adorable but their lack of utility means I won't get any) but nooooo he saw the Jersey Giants and was like, that's the one! He's 10, and very good about his chores, but honestly I didn't think about the 13lbs rooster thing. mean...
  13. phoenixrises

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    My BO at 5 weeks. managed to score 2 BO pullets in my frypan special from cackle. Jessie is in the middle there. Lunch and dinner surround her :)
  14. phoenixrises

    4H Breed - Black Jersey Giant

    My son would really like to show chickens for 4H. I had him look through a couple hatchery catalogs and he kept coming back to the Black Jersey Giant. Is there any reason this wouldn't be a good breed for him? Also are there good heritage APA standard breeders that someone could direct me...
  15. phoenixrises

    I don't like turkeys!

    Well now that I've let them up closer to the house, they sit on my back porch and yell for me until I come out and then follow me around. Sounds cute until they just don't shut up! Anyway, I'm happy that moving them up towards the house seems to have made them more active.
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