Recent content by Pippa154

  1. Pippa154

    Sussex Hen suddenly poorly

    I am pleased to report that after being inside for just over a week and being hand-fed, my Sussex hen appears to be getting better! It truly feels like a little miracle considering how close to death she seemed a week ago. For a while I thought she had lost her sight but when I put her in the...
  2. Pippa154

    Unwell Sussex Hen

    I posted a few days ago regarding my poorly Sussex hen, she was very weak and sleepy all the time. This has improved slightly, I've been giving her honey water and pellets mashed with warm water, she drinks this mixture but only when offered it by hand in a tub. She won't help herself to water...
  3. Pippa154

    Sussex Hen suddenly poorly

    Okay, I will follow said advice. She is currently in a warm room, 20 degrees or so. I have tried bathing her today, she didn't seem to mind but she is very sleepy so that may be why. I will check my other chicken for lumps to compare them. I got them when they were approximately 17 weeks, so...
  4. Pippa154

    Sussex Hen suddenly poorly

    Yes, just sitting there, her legs seem weak. I can now get her to drink but I have to gently push her head towards the water. She opens her eyes briefly but then closed them again. There is a lump quite high on her chest, just under her chin as it were. I might try bathing her in case she is...
  5. Pippa154

    Sussex Hen suddenly poorly

    No, unfortunately not although she is still breathing.
  6. Pippa154

    Sussex Hen suddenly poorly

    I got two chickens for my birthday this year, in June, they have been great up to now but today one of them is very poorly, I think she is probably dying. She seemed absolutely fine yesterday but today she seems to be unable to walk and laid down outside in the covered bit of her coop, she...
  7. Pippa154

    what time of day do your chickens lay eggs

    Hi, I was actually pondering the same question. I am new to chickens, I have two. I had my first egg almost a week ago now but nothing since, she laid it mid-afternoon. I understand that there can be a gap of a few days after the first egg so am eagerly anticipating another! I had assumed...
  8. Pippa154

    New to chooks!

    Okay, great, I'm a complete novice so any advice is gratefully receive. I'll try putting them on their roosting bars and will definitely give them the boiled eggs. Thanks.
  9. Pippa154

    New to chooks!

    Hi all, I have two chickens (bought for my birthday by my husband). They are great, but today (after a huge thunderstorm last night) one has started to peck at the other. I think this must have been going on through the night as they were fine yesterday but today one of them has quite a large...
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