Recent content by Pippin&Lili

  1. Pippin&Lili

    Help me get rid of my nightly visitors!!!!!

    We had rats coming into our house from our coop. That was the last straw - and them running up my arm when I gathered eggs. Honestly, poison doesn't work unless you stop the pheromone trail. We had to go around an old house and coop and fill in EVERY hole with cement, THEN poisoned. THEN had to...
  2. Pippin&Lili

    Black Jersey Giant photo - she has an ugly lump near her cloaca.

    This is weird, but could mites cause this? One poster said they sprinkled diatomacious earth and a similar problem stopped! I may try it even if it's a long shot.
  3. Pippin&Lili

    Black Jersey Giant photo - she has an ugly lump near her cloaca.

    Unfortunately I didn't autopsy the first affected bird, in large part because the smell from the infection was unbearable - and it came on so fast. Or at least, the bald spot was there for weeks and the chook seemed healthy otherwise. Once it got red it moved fast. And I didn't get a good...
  4. Pippin&Lili

    Bald butt and swollen below vent.

    Oh no. I thought this might be a Jersey Giant thing, but I guess not. I had one get so red and swollen she got peritonitis and had to be put down (I didn't do an autopsy, which I regret, but she smelled worse than I can even describe from the infection). Now a second Jersey Giant has a bald butt...
  5. Pippin&Lili

    Jersey Giant Bald Butt X 2

    I have a problem with my Jersey Giants, very similar to someone who posted here in 2017. The biggest hen had a bald butt for weeks but didn't seem bothered. She didn't tend to perch with the others, I thought because of her size, but instead went to a low nesting box at night. She laid...
  6. Pippin&Lili

    Black Jersey Giant photo - she has an ugly lump near her cloaca.

    This is crossposted, in hopes someone still reads older threads. I have exactly the same problem with my Jersey Giants. The biggest had a bald butt for weeks but didn't seem bothered. She did lay absolutely huge double yolk eggs. One day the bald butt went very red and swollen. I brought her...
  7. Pippin&Lili

    Jersey Giant bad butt

    Oh dear, I see this is an old post. Is anyone still reading this? I have exactly the same problem with my Jersey Giants. The biggest (and mine do have yellow feet), had a bald butt for weeks but didn't seem bothered. She did lay absolutely huge double yolk eggs. One day the bald butt went very...
  8. Pippin&Lili

    Comment by 'Pippin&Lili' in article 'Fermenting Chicken Feed: A Straightforward Method'

    Hello, I haven't fermented grains (I feed layer pellets) but I do sprout lentils (started because I had a bucket of them and my family won't eat them. They get the second hand goodness from our chicken eggs though -- I hope!) Our Cuckoo Marans and Jersey Giants have all-day access to pellets via...
  9. Pippin&Lili

    2 New Members

    My name is Pippin, I'm almost 6 (my mom is typing for me), I got two chicks for my birthday and my chicks might be sick. One has a runny nose. The other gapes and winks one eye a lot. Can anyone give advice? Hey! My name is Lili, I'm ten years old and Pippin is my sister. I got a little tiny...
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