Recent content by Pips momma

  1. Pips momma

    Chicken with swollen/infected earlobe.

    I have a chicken with the same issue. How did you're turn out?
  2. Pips momma

    Hello from CT

    Hey there! Welcome! I'm from CT and just purchased my new batch of chicks from A local feed store. Tractor supply also has them. What county are you in?
  3. Pips momma

    Here we go again.. More death and I don't know why!

    --I'm so sorry for all your losses! its so hard, isn't it? We had a similar issue and it coincided with adding new dirt to our run. Runny poops, listless birds, limping. I treated them for cocci and most got better but 2 did not. One wasted away and I finally put her down--didn't want her...
  4. Pips momma

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    From our sweet RIR Charlotte!!
  5. Pips momma

    2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    Oh my goodness...that one with the two walking together....sooooo sweet!!!!
  6. Pips momma

    Hello From CT!

    Thank you! I'm looking forward to being a part of the flock!
  7. Pips momma

    Hello From CT!

    Hi everyone! I've wanted to join BYC for some time now and finally took the plunge! I'm momma to 7 RIR's who will (hopefully!) start laying any day now. They are in training to be therapy chickens so someday they'll be visiting the area's nursing homes to bring a smile to the faces of people...
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