Recent content by PMalcolm

  1. PMalcolm

    new tattoo, suggestions?

    I keep thinking about getting a pair of chicken feet on my foot, simple, but all I need to show my love for my ladies!
  2. PMalcolm

    New Chicken Mamma

    Thank You for all the warm welcomes! I live in NH, the days are getting warmer, can't wait to put all my ladies out into their newly renovated coop! I am just loving this chick experience... I am so addicted!
  3. PMalcolm

    New Chicken Mamma

    Hi. My name is Pam. I am new to raising chickens, I just got 14 new little babies 2.5 weeks ago and I am just loving it, have become very much addicted! Joined here to look for helpful advice, and to hear (and see) what other "crazy chicken people" do:) Look forward to lots of learning......
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