Recent content by pnuts

  1. pnuts

    Now what?

    you need to get them a coop..
  2. pnuts

    is grass important for chickens?

    they are still happier than any factory farmed chicken no doubt:)
  3. pnuts

    Flower Chicken Mozaic

  4. pnuts

    Why's It Always The Kids Pet?

    aww you are a good mama:]
  5. pnuts

    Coop decor

    wowww thats awesome. i have a disco ball in my chicken coop:)
  6. pnuts

    Homemade hay! Do you?

    thats a great idea:)
  7. pnuts

    chicks have been in incubator for over 24 hours

    ok i'll be patient:) its so hard though with those lil guys cheeping at me
  8. pnuts

    chicks have been in incubator for over 24 hours

    and there are still three eggs yet to hatch. should i move them into their brooder and hope for the best with the other eggs? only one of them shows any sign of hatching.
  9. pnuts

    i forgot about them...

    lol ok:) when i hear peeping coming from the basement i will be like "what the heck? ooooh yeah"
  10. pnuts

    i forgot about them...

    i forgot what day i put my eggs in the incubator:( i candled them just now and they are completely dark so i have put them under lockdown... does anyone have any advice to help this run smoothly? i hope this doesnt turn into a disaster:(
  11. pnuts

    Silkie thread!

    this is my rooster carl:) and this is pepé
  12. pnuts

    Mutt lovers thread!

    here's my mutt trash-piggy this is one of the henriettas(?) and carl(silkie) who are her biological parents and this is the hen that raised her, munchkin the banty cochin
  13. pnuts

    Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

    also they do like to eat eggs but i didnt think they knew how to crack them themselves:[ unless they learned
  14. pnuts

    Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

    i was wondering if my hens were stressed because i have only been getting 2-3 eggs a day out of 11 hens. there are a few smart rats in the barn that i cant seem to kill with traps so i thought maybe they were pestering the chickens and stressing them out maybe? they had heat lamps all winter and...
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