Recent content by poison_ivy

  1. P

    Broody hen! On day 12 of 18

    Five of the eggs have hatched so far! I was getting worried because I woke up and none of the eggs had started zipping yet. Then this afternoon, in the span of 30 minutes or so, 4 chicks popped out at once! At first, she kept tossing one chick out of the nest, so I took it away and put it in...
  2. P

    Broody hen! On day 12 of 18

    Some of the eggs started pipping today. I saw at least 3 eggs had pips. Hopefully I wake up tomorrow to some babies!
  3. P

    Broody hen! On day 12 of 18

    Two of the hens in my outdoor enclosure started sitting on eggs about 2 weeks ago. At first I didn't notice the signs and I disturbed their initial nests, but they re-built them and accumulated eggs over the course of a couple days. I marked the eggs and have been removing any that got added...
  4. P

    Eggbound quail?

    For anyone interested, my hen is looking much better. She has started eating her regular feed and pooping normally as well. I'll likely move her back outside with her friends in the next couple days. Thanks again everyone who helped!
  5. P

    Eggbound quail?

    Thank you so much everyone. My hen has eaten a little since this afternoon! She ate some of the cooked egg yolks and some calcium. She also did two small, white poops. She is still stretching her neck and closing her eyes like she's straining. I am cautiously optimistic. Hopefully she continues...
  6. P

    Eggbound quail?

    Thank you so much for your help. Cooking her up some egg yolk now. I haven't noticed any other symptoms other than what I described above. Here are a few photos of her from this afternoon. Maybe you will notice something I have missed.
  7. P

    Eggbound quail?

    Thanks for your help. She is separated. Normally they have calcium available to them in the form of oyster shells. I recently bought some calcium citrate that I can crush up and make available to her also. I think that is a more absorbable type of calcium. I tried offering her treats. She will...
  8. P

    Eggbound quail?

    On Saturday morning I noticed that one of my hens was puffy, lethargic and had a lot of discharge around her vent. Her vent was swollen and red, but not bleeding. After a warm bath with epson salts, I discovered what looked like a collapsed, shell-less egg stuck in her vent. With the help of a...
  9. P

    Quail chick has swollen eyes and is lethargic

    Thank you, that's too bad. I mainly keep them for eggs, so I will see if this one survives and make a decision from there.
  10. P

    Quail chick has swollen eyes and is lethargic

    Sure, see below. You can see that the white one is a bit smaller than the others and possibly less feathers.
  11. P

    Quail chick has swollen eyes and is lethargic

    Hello, Long time listener, first time caller. I have a 10-day old quail chick hatched from a celadon egg. The quail has had puffy eyes since the beginning and doesn't seem to like opening them. It eats and drinks regularly, but is slightly falling behind in size compared to other chicks that...
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