Recent content by Ponytrainer

  1. Ponytrainer

    First day of free ranging - I'm in love

    We moved our girls out to their "Chick-Mahal" (the coop) when they were about 9 weeks old. I left them in for a couple weeks so they knew where home was. Once we started letting them out, we have been blissfully happy ever since. I just love watching them pluck around in the yard. The...
  2. Ponytrainer

    The Fuzzy-Butt Thundering herd of Wisco

    Yes! Please keep writing...I'm loving this.... Love all the photos too. You are very good at documenting their funny lives.... Our girls are now 13 weeks and I realized I barely have any photos of them!
  3. Ponytrainer

    horse question

    We wash all our nylon halters in the washing machine with a bit of homemade detergent and about 1/4 of white vinegar. Takes out the "funky" sweaty horse smell - which I personally love, but hubby isn't a huge fan. I use nylon webbed halters and my Parelli rope halters and they both come out...
  4. Ponytrainer

    What Special Treat or Yummy Did Your Flock Get Today?

    Our girls got watermelon rinds (I have never seen them eat anything so fast!), steel cut oats and some fresh corn on the cob... plus, whatever delicious morsels of insects and vegetation they managed to wrangle up while out foraging! Great thread... love all the ideas... some of these things I...
  5. Ponytrainer

    At what age do they begin to roost at night?

    Oh my goodness! I love the lights too... I would love that not only cause it's super cute, but then I could actually see them at night when I have some panic attack at 2:00am and think they are in distress and have to go check on them. Only to find they are sound asleep and giving me the...
  6. Ponytrainer

    anyone else stopped eating chicken now that you raise them?

    I have been ok with eating chicken until I bought a whole frozen chicken last week (our girls are for eggs only!). I was cleaning it out and rinsing it and just happened to stand it up on end with it's little wings poking out. Found myself getting a bit choked up about it. Was thinking about...
  7. Ponytrainer

    Hello From Northern Indiana!

    Thanks everyone! We are in NE Indiana, about 15 miles from Angola.
  8. Ponytrainer

    Hello From Northern Indiana!

    Hello All! New to the forum.... We have just recently become chicken parents to some pretty sweet "girls". Our pullets are 6 weeks old already (wow! how did that happen?!). We have 4 beautiful ladies. One of each: Golden Laced Wyandotte - "Esmerelda" Barred Rock - "Opal" Partridge Cochin...
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