Recent content by Popcorn

  1. Popcorn

    EE colouring / plumage - chicks vs/ adults --- Post your PICS!

    Just got six babies today! Four EEs, two SLW. Any guesses on colors?
  2. Popcorn

    Easter Eggers ~ Americana ~What Factors =What Colored Eggs~ Post Yours

    My older girl is very plain jane and lays a light brown egg. Younger girl is half EE, half polish, and 100% nuts. Light blue egg.
  3. Popcorn

    How long do chickens live?

    My oldest roo is four and he shows very little interest in the ladies. He is, however, very keen on making sure the younger boys don't get any action either.
  4. Popcorn

    how many chickens do u have

    Let's see… 1 BR roo, 1 Amberlink roo, 1 Speckled Sussex roo, 1 Speckled Sussex, 1 EE, 1 PolishxEE, 1 Black Copper Marans, 1 Buff Orp, 1 White Giant, 1 Black Giant, 1 Mottled Houdan, 2 Australorps, 2 Light Brahmas, 2 Salmon Faverolles, 2 GLW, 3 ISA Browns. I've got a rainbow.
  5. Popcorn

    what do you all do to keep your birds from being too bored all winter?what do you feed for treats?

    They have chunks of flock block, a couple treat balls to roll around, and they get chucked out for snow adventures every once in a while. I've been thinking of adding a swing too. The inside of my coop has a heat sensor that will turn on the heat lamp if it gets too cold, but with 22 warm...
  6. Popcorn

    Please be a girl

    Dang. Thanks. Guess I get to call Murray McMurray in the morning. Can't say I'm too happy with them, three of my birds died within a month and the rest are pretty terrible quality. My first time ordering online and probably my last. Oh well.
  7. Popcorn

    Please be a girl

    I've been away at school as my young birds have been growing up and just received a few photos. Does this chicken look like a boy or does it just have some longer tail feathers. I already have two roosters in a flock of less than twenty-five so I really can't have another.
  8. Popcorn

    Guard Rooster

    It is unlikely a rooster will be able to protect the flock without injury or death. When selecting a guardian temperament is more valuable then breed, but a chicken large enough to be intimidating/do damage while not being too big and slow would be what I would look for. I have a Barred Rock and...
  9. Popcorn

    Comment by 'Popcorn' in article 'A Guide To Understanding The Chicken Pecking Order'

    Nice article. Makes me wonder about my roosters though. They both mate, flap, and crow. They are a year apart in age and he older one is, as far as I can tell, more dominant. They've never fought and actually work together keeping the hens safe when hawks are around. Personality wise they are at...
  10. Popcorn

    What breed is this chick?

    I hope you are right. I already have two roosters.
  11. Popcorn

    What breed is this chick?

    Got a call at six this morning to pick up my chicks. This is my free one from Murray McMurray. I'm thinking Silver Spangled Hamburg. Is there a way to feather sex this guy or do I just have to wait? What do you think and if you have received the free chick, what breed did you get?
  12. Popcorn


    I'd say male.
  13. Popcorn

    State a fact about yourself!

    I'm very lucky. Both sets of my parents' parents were divorced and remarried before I was born except my dad's dad never remarried. All the married ones get along with each other too. Sadly I don't get to see my dad's dad. He lives pretty far away, I have to work and go to school, and he never...
  14. Popcorn

    Breed and gender pls, ty!

    Does the color of the photos match real life? That is really purple! I agree with the all boys thing.
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