Recent content by poprivetj1

  1. poprivetj1

    Chicken Coop names: What did you name your coop/coops

    The Kelly Kluckson Estate with current tenants: 1.Kelly Kluckson 2. Hen Stephani 3. Chickachaun 4. Reba Peckintire 5. Pattie LaBeek 6. Dixie Chick
  2. poprivetj1

    Chicken Coop names: What did you name your coop/coops

    The Kelly Kluckson Estate with current tenants: 1.Kelly Kluckson 2. Hen Stephani 3. Chickachaun 4. Reba Peckintire 5. Pattie LaBeek 6. Dixie Chick
  3. the Forrest coop

    the Forrest coop

  4. more landscaping completed

    more landscaping completed

  5. the creek accross the street

    the creek accross the street

  6. Nesting boxes in the front with prop out windows and walk in door.

    Nesting boxes in the front with prop out windows and walk in door.

  7. The Chicken coop is off the the right in this photo

    The Chicken coop is off the the right in this photo

  8. and chief rock mover

    and chief rock mover

  9. My assistant carpenter

    My assistant carpenter

  10. Welcome


  11. Afternoon shade

    Afternoon shade

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