Recent content by PoultryPeeps

  1. PoultryPeeps

    7 or 8 Week old Toulouse GOSLING with Sudden Limp - Help!

    Thanks for the tip! When should I ease out of feeding the gamebird starter and go to something with less protein?
  2. PoultryPeeps

    7 or 8 Week old Toulouse GOSLING with Sudden Limp - Help!

    We got two goslings that are now 7 or 8 weeks old - yesterday the female (we think) and slightly smaller one started limping on her left leg. Looked at her foot to see if she had something sticking her and her foot and leg look fine and seem to move naturally. She can still run pretty fast...
  3. PoultryPeeps

    I think I want to cry :(

    Usually if you see that the chick has pipped, but they don't make any progress after that (for maybe a day) then they may be shrink wrapped. This just means that the inner membrane has dried and the chick is stuck to it. I have helped out many many shrink wrapped chicks. I take the whole egg...
  4. PoultryPeeps

    Older Chicks Beating Up New Chick That Is 1 Day Old. Help!

    Me too! I just add the new chick or chicks to the box and I have quite a range in there! The older ones are curious at first, but not mean.
  5. PoultryPeeps

    Giant Blue Cochin Eggs 18+

    Hi, I hope I don't cause any offense, but what makes these 'giant' cochins vs LF cochins? The babies are beautiful! Do you have more pics of your hens and rooster? Thanks!
  6. PoultryPeeps

    B/B/S Langshan (LF) Hatching EGgs 10 +

    and a pic of eggs, please?!
  7. PoultryPeeps

    I wanna set and forget, What should I get?

    I bought a Brinsea Eco 20, but I find it hard to see into compared to my Hovabator. Also hard to keep the humidity up for lockdown.
  8. PoultryPeeps

    14 Ameraucana Wheaten/BlueWheaten LF NPIP

    I had a good hatch of these eggs too - considering they came all the way to Alaska! Set 8 eggs, had 5 chicks hatch. Not bad! They are sooo cute! Amy
  9. PoultryPeeps

    12 Rhode Island Red Eggs 24hr

    Hi, I can't find any pics of your birds - are your RIR heritage or hatchery? Thanks! Amy
  10. PoultryPeeps

    Showgirl Eggs

    How much is shipping for 12 eggs?
  11. PoultryPeeps

    You want Olive Eggs?? You want BBS Orps?? Check this out Added BONUS!!

    Nancy - Here I come! Here is a pic of the EE babies I just hatched from your eggs!
  12. PoultryPeeps

    Brahma Thread

    I haven't had Brahmas long enough to know, but I have always found Cochins to be great broodies!
  13. PoultryPeeps

    I am tired of them being in the house.

    I have been hatching steadily since New Years (Yay!) and I hate the dust/dander. So I got a couple air filters and put the smaller one in the bedroom for the brand new babies and a larger one in the garage where I have 2 different pens of different age chicks. It has kept down the dust...
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