Recent content by power_of_p3

  1. power_of_p3

    Feather issues with just one of my birds

    Thank you twocrows, I did notice one of my light sussex eating feathers last night but she was eating the ones from my silkie that's just come off being broody and is going through a light moult because of [brooding]. Roxy, (the black rock) isn't pulling any feathers out, she just appears to...
  2. power_of_p3

    Chick head leaning to one side and can't walk

    Sounds like genetic wry neck to me too, go on youtube and search on there, see if any of the videos look like your chick. I have a fully formed hen with a twisted neck, but I'm pretty sure it is due to nerve/muscle damage at vaccination. She eats, drinks and lives perfectly happy now, infact...
  3. power_of_p3

    Feather issues with just one of my birds

    Hi twocrows, thanks for the advice and the welcome . They have an outside run and a covered run, connected and unfortunately i cannot let them into the garden, but they have loads of room. the back run where the coop is is a walk in for me so it's over six foot high with roosts all over the...
  4. power_of_p3

    Feather issues with just one of my birds

    Hi, I'm Jo and I'm new to this forum though I have had some useful info from you in the past I'm having a really hard time trying to figure out what maybe wrong with my black rock. She has a really bad feather condition and noone seems to have any clue what is wrong with her. It's affecting...
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