Recent content by PremierSilkies

  1. PremierSilkies

    Black silkies

    Chris you should have some great stock, just don't let people sponge off of you for eggs & chicks! And congrads again to Cody on his Jr. Champion FL win! Had a great time and see you again soon.
  2. PremierSilkies

    Paint Silkies ~ European Lines

    No kidding Jen we are suppose to get snow again tomorrow after having 70 degree days this past week, UGH:rolleyes:
  3. PremierSilkies

    Paint or Splash silkie- what is the difference and how do you tell?

    Jen you have some gorgeous white base splash, my fav's!
  4. PremierSilkies

    Paint Silkies ~ European Lines Selling the cock I purchased from Jerry, I have another male I am using & 5 of this ones sons in a grow pen. Good luck.
  5. PremierSilkies

    Silkie thread!

    And be careful who you trust at the show, I had someone I thought was a friend help us coop out at a show when I had to give a judge a ride to the airport. We were rushing to get him to the plane on time. Top birds of mine were swapped out with their inferior birds in the show box's when I got...
  6. PremierSilkies

    Black silkies

    No she does not But we can always count of Amy,
  7. PremierSilkies

    The American Paint Silkie

    I like the buy it now buttons, LOL
  8. PremierSilkies

    The American Paint Silkie

    Quote: Hey Jerry, the dutch white paint male I have from you produced three like this for me so far, one is a pullet the other a cockerel, my facebook page for premier silkies has a few photos, 3 of the white dun babies, three partridge, three grays, one pure white, two creamy whites, and...
  9. PremierSilkies

    The American Paint Silkie

    I have a white dutch male from paints that produces paints, keep trying an it may depend on what you breed her with.
  10. PremierSilkies

    The American Paint Silkie

    Wow, if you dont know what your talking about please mind your own business;)
  11. PremierSilkies

    The American Paint Silkie

    Amy your so full of your own c*** it is not even funny, LOL
  12. PremierSilkies

    The American Paint Silkie

    I am so sorry Jerry, believe me I know the feeling and it is not a pleasant one. As of right now this list is so small of who has paints it should be pretty apparent when this person pops up and does not show up on a sale list from those of us with them. They do not have much for brains, lol...
  13. PremierSilkies

    Is white or black dominant in silkies?

    I think it depends on the flock & genetics of the individual birds in that flock. Personal experience for myself: In 2010 I bred two of my white silkie cocks on the black silkie hens, 50% white, 25% part, 25% black. The partridge turned out GORGOUS, lol
  14. PremierSilkies

    The American Paint Silkie

    Ok time to bug you Deb & Bren, never received an email forwarded at the other email acct. you sent yesterday from Sig. And a question, for the euro paints do they have a standard for them? I am talking the color itself, not the body, we all know when we are done they will have the euro paint...
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