Recent content by providencechics

  1. providencechics

    What does this chicken squeal mean?

    Okay, I've started doing this more, with the rock in the bowl. They seem like hungry all the time now, so that's great. They do a lot more sitting in their butts, and less roaming, but maybe that's fine because I hope they produce eggs soon.
  2. providencechics

    What does this chicken squeal mean?

    Oh thanks for the suggestion Donrae. I don't have a feeder so I just go out twice a day to give them food, sometimes with table scraps. I did give them about twice as much today, and they weren't pecking as aggressively at the end of it, so I think they wanted more food. They have a pretty...
  3. providencechics

    What does this chicken squeal mean?

    I thought so too, but as I was rebuilding their run and they were locked in their coop for a day, they made that noise a lot. Then when they were let out into their run, they stopped squealing for a day and made more normal clucking noises. But now it started again, so it makes me feel like it's...
  4. providencechics

    What does this chicken squeal mean?

    I've had 2 chickens for a week. They are making this sort of squealing sound often. Does anyone know what it means? Are they scared? I recently set up a bigger run for them. Are they not being fed enough? I noticed lately when I toss them grower pellets, they are extremely aggressive in eating...
  5. providencechics

    frugal custom coop+run

    Thanks! That does make me feel better. But I live on a small lot (about 3000 sq ft), and my neighbors include a restaurant bar. So it's pretty easy for the chickens to just wander over there and get in trouble. Besides keeping them in, I'd like the coop to be easy to clean and refresh food/water.
  6. providencechics

    frugal custom coop+run

    Hi folks, I'm a first time chicken owner, and trying to redesign a new coop+run and was hoping to get some feedback before I do anything totally wrong. This will also be my first carpentry project (if you don't count the badly put together coop I did first). I have two hens, an orpington and a...
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