Recent content by Psyclops

  1. P

    Questions before chicks arrive

    Yes, a radiant heat plate. I take temps of the walls, bedding and ambient air temp. So it is pretty accurate. All 6 chicks huddle together but not climbing over each other and are pretty quit.
  2. P

    Questions before chicks arrive

    Chicks arrived today!!! 😁 I ordered 5 from Chickens For Backyards and 6 arrived. They are a mix of brown egg layers, so I don't know the breeds of them. All are alert and active. They huddled under the heat for about 3 hours and then started exploring, just finished a feed fest so I think we...
  3. P

    Unintended House Chicken

    Sounds to me like she has at least 1 friend. 😉
  4. P

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Have you tried fabric pots? Great oxygen exchange and air pruning is great for abundant root growth.1
  5. P

    Feeds affecting laying?

    Okay, 1 question, Why would a feed company taint the feed they retail? I know nothing about chickens, this I admit freely, however I do know business and that is counterproductive to maintaining a customer stream.
  6. P

    Ended Guess When BYC Will Reach 480,000 Members!

    I'm guess I'm confused, but okay it's your world I'm just trying to learn it.
  7. P

    Questions before chicks arrive

    Thanks, I certainly will.
  8. P

    Questions before chicks arrive

    Excellent input and very informative everyone, especially @Ridgerunner. Concise and easy to understand. A cover will be added, no worries. Long term survival of this brooder is not a concern, I just need 2 to 4 weeks of life from it. My biggest concerns are learning what I need so that when I...
  9. P

    Questions before chicks arrive

    I hope to have there coop assembled and rub built by that time so I should have no problem taking them out for trips.
  10. P

    Awaiting chicks 🙃

    Awaiting chicks 🙃
  11. P

    Questions before chicks arrive

    Thanks for the quality advice, I appreciate it. I didn't line the bottom with the plastic sheeting but I was thinking ahead I just don't know what I don't know, why I asked for advice from those that do in the first place. 😉 I am running a test on the brooder to insure proper heat and so far so...
  12. P

    Questions before chicks arrive

    Hello everyone, My first batch of chicks arrive in a few short weeks and I have very little clue as to what I am doing. Truth be told I am a tad nervous about the whole endeavor but I'm sure I will do okay. I have trolled the boards here and have tried to soak up as much info as I can. Because...
  13. P

    No depth perception or walking after cat attack

    No depth perception tells me no or severely diminished sight in 1 eye. You need 2 eyes to see depth.
  14. P

    Glad to be here

    Thankyou for the warm welcome and tidbits of advice. I have been trolling the threads and learning quite a bit. Just selected the coop I will use and the spot in my yard.
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