Recent content by pugiosam

  1. pugiosam


    does tetroxy help with respiratory issues? i have this treatment but im not sure if it could help chickens with respiratory problems.
  2. pugiosam

    Fayoumis Crosses

    Is it possible that if I cross a fayoumis and an Orpington that the chicks gain the immunity from the fayoumis?
  3. pugiosam

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    I currently have four Japanese bantams( 3 female 1 male) and with the winter coming I'm a bit worried for them. I have a big coop with about 100 chickens and would like to get some tips on keeping them warm. What is the coldest they can withstand? Will they fund enough warmth with the other...
  4. pugiosam

    D'uccle Thread

    How long does it take them to reach maturity?
  5. pugiosam

    d'Uccle eggs~ mille fleur or black

    How do you sell them? And do you ship?
  6. pugiosam

    d'Uccle eggs~ mille fleur or black

    Hi. Was wondering if you still sell Millie eggs for hatching?
  7. pugiosam

    D'uccle Thread

  8. pugiosam

    D'uccle Thread

    Anyone know where I can get d'uccle hatching to order? I would prefer someone reliable.
  9. pugiosam

    chick adoption

    I have a hen that hatched her own eggs this week. I also hatched my own at the same time. I was wondering if there was a way get her to add my chicks to her brood?
  10. pugiosam

    how long should i keep pigeons cooped up for before letting them out to fly

    And how long does it take for them to inpriny
  11. pugiosam

    how long should i keep pigeons cooped up for before letting them out to fly

    But what about rock doves? I found an orphaned pigeon a few days ago. He is about 16 days old and I plan to keep him near my chicken coop in it's own nesting box and release him. I'm wondering if i t will come back after flying. And i f it finds a mate will it come back to nest there or find a...
  12. pugiosam


    Unfortunately he died last night. I tried.
  13. pugiosam


    It hatched last week. Non of the others are bullying and its not eating or drinking. I've been feeding it with an eye dropper. It kina lays there but she drinks the water I give her. The others are fine. I had to help her hatch however.
  14. pugiosam


    My little chick keeps on chirping with her eyes closed. Its very loud and she won't stop. Non of the others are doing this. Is there something wrong?
  15. pugiosam

    Why does my chick chirp soooo much?

    My chick is chirping a lot and constantly. She also seems to do it with her eyes closed. Non of the other chicks are doing this. Is something wrong?
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