Recent content by PurpleDaze

  1. PurpleDaze

    Is my Hen Turning into a Roo?

    Yes, I didn't actually mean turn into a rooster, like could fertilize eggs but they can change their appearance to look like a rooster and how they act. She is just at the bottom of the peaking order, and she did this completely alone, with all other chickens on another part of the farm. Just...
  2. PurpleDaze

    Is my Hen Turning into a Roo?

    Hens can infact turn into a rooster... But, she has never done this before. She is two years and a few months old, why is she just now starting to do this? Seems odd all of a sudden.
  3. PurpleDaze

    Is my Hen Turning into a Roo?

    She's at the bottom of the peaking order though? 🤔
  4. PurpleDaze

    Is my Hen Turning into a Roo?

    She is 2 y ars old and a few months. She has been laying eggs for years. She really is a she. Lol!
  5. PurpleDaze

    Is my Hen Turning into a Roo?

    Why is my Hen doing this???
  6. PurpleDaze

    Predator help!

    We are covering it tomorrow. I don't know if we have weasels, we live in Fort Worth Texas.
  7. PurpleDaze

    Predator help!

    Thank you, we will tonight.
  8. PurpleDaze

    Predator help!

    There is a very small gap at the very top of the coop, where the rain gutter is. But there is only a 3 inch gap between the coop fencing and our wood fence, that are both 8 ft high. The only thing I think that could possibly fit is either a rat or squirrel. But I wasn't sure if anyone has...
  9. PurpleDaze

    Predator help!

    We found an egg on the other side of our chicken coop in between the wood fence and the coop. The nesting boxes are 20ft away from where the egg was found. Something had to have climbed up the side of the coop, went into the hen house, in the nesting box 20 ft away, and the walk through the coop...
  10. PurpleDaze

    Normal poop???

    Should I be worried about this poop? She is the only one in the flock that has pooped like this, and this is the first time I've seen it. Thanks for any insight.
  11. PurpleDaze

    Shell-less Egg!!!

    They have been laying for awhile, she layed a normal egg the next day. I think she was woken up during the night which stopped the development of the egg.
  12. PurpleDaze

    Shell-less Egg!!!

    I guess I should have said something about this. They are on 16% layer feed crumble, they have access to oyster shells and we also dry out and crush their eggs shells and feed them back to them. We also give them scratch and mealworms as a treat. We have 23 pullets, almost a year old.
  13. PurpleDaze

    Shell-less Egg!!!

    We got our first shell-less egg today. It's so weird but so cool at the same time. It's super rubbery and feels like a bouncy ball. I believe it was from one of our Marans.
  14. PurpleDaze

    Share your RUMPLESS chickens!

    Yes I know, that why this was an update saying they turned out not to be rumpless.
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