Recent content by Puyallup Chris

  1. Puyallup Chris

    Its all upside down!!!

    So, I have looked all over to see where I can turn the post like the other way. Right now, it lists them by order of posts, starting with the first post in a thread. I would like to view them by most recent post first. Any help out there for me?
  2. Puyallup Chris


    Living in Puyallup, right next door to the fair. Raising a dog, 2 cats, 8 Bobwhites, 2 Buff Orps, 2 Silkies, 1 Americauna, 4 daughters and a son. and 4 eggs in the cooker for a hatch day in 14 days. I have quail eggs that are fertile and I will give away to anyone close enough to stop by or...
  3. Puyallup Chris

    Black nails

    The Blackness was new. However, they have all cleared up.
  4. Puyallup Chris

    What do you feed your quail?

    So, for a full grown bird pen, the Startena is OK? Because it is 30%? Or would it be better to mix the startena with some chicken crumble to lower the % a little?
  5. Puyallup Chris

    Help!!!Opened eggs and chick still living!

    I had 2 that I helped in the last few days. One spent too much time in the egg and his foot was screwed up. I put him in with the rest and within 30 seconds, the others were picking at it. And...he couldn't get around. I had to cull him. (My wife gave me the: "Don't mess with mothers...
  6. Puyallup Chris

    Black nails

    I have 5 quail that hatched in the last 5-6 days. I have been watching them closely because last time, I had to put a few down because their toes were messed up. I have discovered today that on 3 of the 5, there is at least one, but usually more, toe that is black on the end, to include the...
  7. Puyallup Chris

    If I get a few adult Coturnix quail can I let them out of the coop sometimes??

    I have a male that I have let out and after 3 days, he had not went more then 15-20 feet from my pen. Every night, he would sit at the door of the pen and walk off in the morning when I came to feed the other 2...So, I let him back in and he is happy as anything now. But, I hatched them...
  8. Puyallup Chris

    Anyone know what a male quail sounds like?

    I have 2 male bobwhites (did you say what kind of quail you have?) and they call maybe once a day for a few minutes in the evening. It is a great sound to listen to on a quiet evening.
  9. Puyallup Chris


    In with one of the in, with chicken hens? I am not sure any of my chickens would sit the eggs for 22 days. But I sure would love if they did!!! Good luck with yours. Our first batch of our own eggs are hatching as I type right now...we are at 6 of 12 hatched at 24 days...for bobwhite.
  10. Puyallup Chris

    Baby quails can they have Chicks Grower Finisher food or not?

    What is the protein %. Most chicken ones are 18-20 and it should be higher for game birds. TSC should carry Game bird feed.
  11. Puyallup Chris

    My baby bobs keep dying. What might be the cause?

    From your photos, somethings I noticed. 1: White lights...go with red (as was mentioned before) it will cut down aggression. 2: Cardboard. Cardboard is slippery for little feet. Put down paper towels on the whole bottom of the box. That way, you can get rid of the straw. the paper...
  12. Puyallup Chris

    Bleach solution OK for fly control?

    DE? What is that? (Who wants to bet I am having a DUH moment?)
  13. Puyallup Chris

    How many day to hatch quail??

    Everything I have ever seen for Bobwhites is 22 days. In the three times I have hatched them, it has been exactly 22 days to hatch. However, today is day 24 and I had 3 quail hatch from a batch (This is my first attempt to hatch eggs taht were from our own adults.) So: They take 22 days...
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