Recent content by QHnPPcks

  1. QHnPPcks

    Eggsshell with brown specks

    I feel better now; thanks to all for taking the time to answer. I did read the entire article, and it was informative and reassuring. Love my girls and try to give them good care.
  2. QHnPPcks

    Eggsshell with brown specks

    I have two production red hens (what feedstore called them) who lay pretty brown eggs. Occasionally, an egg will have small reddish-brown spots on the shell. Any ideas the reason this occurs?
  3. QHnPPcks

    Help! Hen "laid" something weird!

    I had one similar. It was a perfect egg but encased only in the membrane; no shell. I am trying to increase calcium, but they will not eat the oyster shell or dried crushed egg shells.
  4. QHnPPcks

    Hot weather

    I live near Phoenix, AZ, and our summer has had several days well over 110! I have only 3 chickens, so this cooling method might not be practical for those with lots of chickens. My chickens free range in our quarter-acre fenced yard during the day, and I made a cooling bed for them on the...
  5. QHnPPcks

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYONE! A story to share: our black Australorp, Smokey, has decided her safe place to lay her eggs is on the sofa in the family room! Once she's done, she gets a treat, and then is happy to rejoin her flock and free-range in the yard until roosting time.
  6. QHnPPcks

    lost chickens

    Well! Thanks to all the info from BYC, we found Rhett in the bushes outside of our covered front patio in a raised flower bed. She was safely hidden and was "brooding" - get this - 23 perfectly beautiful brown eggs! Now I don't know how to convince her to use the nesting box we set up! I left...
  7. QHnPPcks

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Wow! Do I ever have egg on my face LOL! Here I have been worried about when my chickens (1 RIR, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Australorp) would start laying. Rhett, the RIR, is the friendliest, and I was worried because she kept flying over the fence and would be gone until morning; not coming to roost in...
  8. QHnPPcks

    need advice for Gretl

    Appreciate the reply, Seminole. No more blood spots. No unusual or "sick" behavior. I did check her over very thoroughly, and could not see any blood anywhere. The first "50-cent" spot was dark and didn't have any material in it that I could see. The other spots were less than dime-size, and...
  9. QHnPPcks

    need advice for Gretl

    Thanks, Outpost JWB for taking the time to answer. The dogs are now OK with the chickens (Labs). Gretl was about 9 weeks old when the mauling occurred. She is now about 6 months old. My other3 chickens of the same age are laying. I cannot see any injuries at all, and she is confined to the house...
  10. QHnPPcks

    need advice for Gretl

    Many of you might have seen the June post and some subsequent updates on our pullet, Gretl, who was mauled by a dog, and survived to become our treaured house chicken. She is now at the age when she could start laying, and I have been concerned because she has some permanent neuro issues. About...
  11. QHnPPcks

    lost chickens

    So glad you found your hens! Here's a dilemma at our house: Rhett, our RIR hen, was missing and we thought for sure she was a goner. She is the adventerous one, and keeps flying over the fence! But the next two mornings, she has come back for breakfas, but took off again. I am hping against...
  12. QHnPPcks

    New to Chickens Orpington being picked on

    Where does one buy pinless peepers? I have no need yet, but would like to have on hand..
  13. QHnPPcks

    Chicken disappears, shows back up and is acting strange.

    Hope your little hen who found her way home will be OK. Bet she would have quite the story to tell!
  14. QHnPPcks

    How to post a pic???

    Ha-Ha, no you're not! I follow all the directions but when I try to add a photo to a new message or reply - off everything goes into cyberspace. Must be a special way from a cellphone I haven't yet figured out.
  15. QHnPPcks

    How can i get my new hen (Wyandotte) to be accustomed of me and let me hold her ?

    Lovely hen! My spoiled girls love grapes! Two of three like me to pet them and I can pick them up; the third, not yet.
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