Recent content by Quail345

  1. Quail345

    Quail hatching!

    I have 8 jumbo whites, 2 jumbo browns, and 1 silver
  2. Quail345

    Quail hatching!

    there are now 11
  3. Quail345

    Quail hatching!

    @Pigeony Which one? 2 or 3?
  4. Quail345

    Help! Shrink wrapping quail chick!

    He made it!
  5. Quail345

    Quail hatching!

    Here are photos . Please give name ideas
  6. Quail345

    Quail hatching!

    7 hatched
  7. Quail345

    Review by 'Quail345' in article 'Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry'

    Thank you for making this post, and thank you @Nabiki for sending me the link :goodpost:
  8. Quail345

    Help! Shrink wrapping quail chick!

    Thank you @Nabiki
  9. Quail345

    Help! Shrink wrapping quail chick!

    Please help, I am hatching out a batch of Coturnix quail. 7 have hatched so far, 2 on the way, and there is one that is shrink wrapping. I noticed that yesterday morning, one chick had pipped and wasn't moving, so 16 hours later I decided to help a bit. I saw that the membrane was shrink...
  10. Quail345

    Quail hatching!

    4 hatched!
  11. Quail345

    Quail hatching!

    One brown, 2 yellow ones, one yellow one gas a spot on his head. Please give names!
  12. Quail345

    Quail hatching!

    I will get photos when I can
  13. Quail345

    Quail hatching!

    update: 3 have hatched, 3 are zipping, and 4 are pipping
  14. Quail345

    Quail hatching!

    Update! The first one has pipped and is zipping! :woot
  15. Quail345

    Muscovy egg on day 35, still has not internally pipped yet

    They just dry up. The blood gets dry
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