Recent content by queeneev

  1. queeneev

    Comment by 'queeneev' in article 'The Gypsy Chicks'

    Stunning! Is that fabric or paint on the door panels (ie; the lotus/mandala design)? If it's paint, what kind of paint? I love this!!!!!
  2. queeneev

    show me some of your strangest eggs.....

    LOLZ I swear to you have had one of each of those recently, also photographed together....weeeeird! I also had a grape-sized egg. And...I also had one with an eery sun image on it; I was afraid to crack it open for fear of lightening striking me! (the egg on the left was obscenely huge...
  3. queeneev

    Got illegal chickens?

    Another crim'nal here..4 illegal ladies, going on a year now, with zero complaints. 2 of my 3 neighbors can see the hens, and 2 of my 3 neighbors get eggs from me. The 3rd neighbor is rude anyhoo so he can suck eggs. I've had 2 raccoon incidences (just a lot of squawking and flying...
  4. queeneev

    My Very First Emergency: Egg Bound? Pictures Included

    Howdy all, I too came to this thread on a suspicion of having an eggbound lady. My lady was standing in the corner for most of the day yesterday, which concerned me. I came here to see what others have done to deal with an eggbound hen. Gave her the warm bath, massaged her, some white goo...
  5. queeneev

    True cost of starting a backyard flock.

    I think I shared my cost info in this forum already once, but it's been awhile so if anyone is reading: My annual costs are $2.10/dozen for my first year. Year 2 should be $1.75/dozen, then year 3 $2.50/dozen. I have spread the cost of the coop equally over 3 years, which is the life I think...
  6. queeneev can you afford to feed your chickens

    Wow, I just spent 90 minutes reading all of these! I have an interesting way of supplementing my chicken feed, I just dialed in on it yesterday: I had been wanting to go to grocery stores and get their produce discards, but I hit a brick wall at 3 places. They ALL said, with disdain, NO, you...
  7. queeneev

    How to Get Urban Chickens in Columbus, Ohio

    Columbus update: I ran across a SUPREMELY positive article about "urban farmers" in the (Nov 2009) Columbus Monthly magazine (a fairly upscale mag, so this is really exciting!). The story highlighted several individuals/couples, and mentioned urban chickens. I have a good feeling that...
  8. queeneev

    How to Get Urban Chickens in Columbus, Ohio

    Greetings, neighbors! I too am a Columbus chicken-ite, as of yesterday, WOOO HOO! And I am renegade. My husband and I looked into the zoning thing, and decided the hoop jumping was just a disguised way for them to say "um, no" to our application. Not only that, we object to the innane...
  9. queeneev

    What are YOUR laws?

    Hello Andy, I am your neighbor! I am in Columbus (and I also own 2 properties in Worthington that I rent out, not too far from you, lol). I have looked into the Columbus laws, because I am getting ready to build a coop and start out with 4 chicks. Thankfully, Columbus is also (fairly)...
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