Recent content by Quietjd

  1. Quietjd

    Quietjd Intro

    Hi everyone. I finally got my password & login info straightened out and wanted to add an introduction. I have been a BYC fan for years but only posted when another new hen emergency surfaced. Our family left the big city over 30 years ago and we moved to a little town with 1 traffic light and...
  2. Quietjd

    Indian Runner/Pekin duck eggs due to hatch--what feed do I use?

    Thanks all for your help. Looks like none of the ducky eggs were fertile, but my Runner is still faithfully sitting on her nest (the chickens now keep depositing eggs for her to
  3. Quietjd

    Indian Runner/Pekin duck eggs due to hatch--what feed do I use?

    Hi there! Well, my little Indian Runner has been faithfully nesting a dozen duck eggs (pekin or runner) for 28-30 days now. This is the first morning she has been off her nest, so I suspect it maybe a duckie birthday! What type of feed should I be using for baby ducklings? Two years ago...
  4. Quietjd

    Success story from "Hen Mauled by Dog stated by ChickinBlack on 8-16-12

    Hi there! Sorry for the late reply! We were totally distracted by lots of other things going on here. Thanks so much for your kind Whiskers comments. She has returned back to the general flock now, and most all of her feathers have covered the wounded area. There is still a little purple...
  5. Quietjd

    Success story from "Hen Mauled by Dog stated by ChickinBlack on 8-16-12

    Howdy--wanted to share GOOD news. It has been nearly 6 weeks since our hen was attacked by a dog on the same day (8-16-12) as ChickinBlack's hen. I started posting on her thread 'cuz I was brand new to forums and trying to figure out how to help our hen. (My posts about our wounded hen started...
  6. Quietjd

    Hen Mauled by dog, Large skinless wound gashed muscle LOOK HELP ADVISE PLEASE PICS

    Howdy! Just wanted to give an update on Whiskers, our Sultan hen who was attacked by a dog nearly 10 days ago. She is still alive! We have been on a roller coaster ride, thinking at times she isn't going to make it, to wow--I can't believe that area looks so good, when it looked and smelled...
  7. Quietjd

    Hen Mauled by dog, Large skinless wound gashed muscle LOOK HELP ADVISE PLEASE PICS

    We sure hope she recovers too! Today she is more tired and not eating much. Probably due to cleaning out the wounds this morning and repacking and wrapping. Yesterday she rallied nicely when I took her outside in a separate pen. Being in the sunshine and talking through the fence with her...
  8. Quietjd

    Hen Mauled by dog, Large skinless wound gashed muscle LOOK HELP ADVISE PLEASE PICS

    Hi there! The previous post by Achickenwrangler#1 is a great explanation of the process. I would add that "wet to dry" is a mechanical debridement technique of applying soaked dressings, and later slowly pulling them off to remove dead or infected tissue, and wound drainage. As I was...
  9. Quietjd

    Hen Mauled by dog, Large skinless wound gashed muscle LOOK HELP ADVISE PLEASE PICS

    I totally agree with your assessment!! Infection is the major problem at present. After I read through the entire thread, I went 30 miles to our nearest TSC and bought the Duramycin-10 that you suggested and also Blue Kote. I was disappointed to not find anything resembling and anesthetic...
  10. Quietjd

    Hen Mauled by dog, Large skinless wound gashed muscle LOOK HELP ADVISE PLEASE PICS

    Hi there! Aug 17th must have been a really bad day for chicken attacks. One of our little hens was also attacked by a dog. We found a trail of feathers leading down to the creek, and by the volume of feathers and lack of carcass, decided she must have been carried off to parts unknown. We...
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