Recent content by R L tyler

  1. R L tyler

    1903 "The Old Trusty Incubator" Antique bator~share/question

    we have a photo of one of these in use.. have been trying to date the photo. it looks like between 1900=1910
  2. R L tyler

    Best way I've found yet to deal with snake problems!!

    no, rat snakes are not poisonous.. he probably went into a 'strike mode' to scare you cause you probably gave him a bigger scare :) -- they eat rats. LOTS of rats ----unfortunately they eat eggs & chicks too...
  3. R L tyler

    Best way I've found yet to deal with snake problems!!

    relocation is a win/win - the person is safer/ happier and snake can keep on eating rats/rodents :)"
  4. R L tyler

    Best way I've found yet to deal with snake problems!!

    i would think they (the snakes) are more after the eggs and warmth than a chicken (well maybe a chick or two) -- the chickens are probably not overly happy being near a snake den just on general purposes BUT i would still rather have the snakes to RATS (yecch) or mice - they do FAR more...
  5. R L tyler

    Best way I've found yet to deal with snake problems!!

    telling the difference isnt really all that hard.. primarily you are looking at their head and markings. its SAFER for you to Know the difference. this may be of help Personally i Never advocate killing a...
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