Recent content by rachdmorgan

  1. rachdmorgan

    Crazy Question

    She is a first time mother.It is the same breed of eggs. We will see what happens. I plan to babysit while they hatch to see how she is doing with it. She accepted the eggs i put under her. I just had another hen (her sibling) hatch 12 chicks out of 15 eggs...and its possible by the end of today...
  2. rachdmorgan

    Crazy Question

    Hi all, Maybe this is a crazy question. I have 5 eggs in my incubator that should hatch in a week. I have a broody hen as well. Is it possible for me to slip those eggs under the broody hen at night and she heat them. Even though it would only be sitting for a week would she still mother them...
  3. rachdmorgan

    BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

    I live in Africa where it is hot and dry. I have realized with a lamp that my chicks easily get overheated and sick if they don't have good airflow. At night I keep a plastic box with a light on it and a baby gate on top.... in an outdoor storage building. During the day i have created a...
  4. rachdmorgan


    Hi, So they all died one by one! I have no idea why. They would go extra sleepy, then start shaking, turn their necks, flip over and die! It was rather awful as one minute they were totally fine and the next minute dead. I am cleaning everything and starting over. I currently have 14 eggs in my...
  5. rachdmorgan


  6. rachdmorgan


    I am new to the incubating/chicken raising thing. I live/work in Africa and am giving this a try for fun. Incubated 10 eggs and have 6 that I candled at 18 days and were still active. Today was day 21 and 2 have hatched and the others are rocking and pipping. I think only one egg may not have...
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