Recent content by Rachel2point5

  1. Rachel2point5

    2017 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    Thank you! This is my first time with the Cream Legbar breed, and she is the only one that I have, but she is just packed full of personality! And she really loves to be held aND will sit on your shoulder, too! :)
  2. Rachel2point5

    2017 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    Entry #1, Lola, my Cream Legbar pullet playing the explorer. She's a very inquisitive bird!
  3. Rachel2point5

    2017 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    Entry #2 -Gypsy, my Welsummer pullet
  4. Rachel2point5

    2017 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    Entry #1, Lola, my Cream Legbar pullet playing the explorer. She's a very inquisitive bird!
  5. Rachel2point5

    Elderberries safe for chickens?

    I was looking here last night for answers and thought I'd add the answer that I'd discovered. I was making elderberry tea for iced tea, so I was using three bags of Buddha Tea (the only ingredient is organic elderberry). After steeping the bags in the pitcher and cooling, I opened them up and...
  6. Rachel2point5

    Experience with Poultry Butler door using solar panel for power

    We, so far, aren't having any issues with ours and we are running it straight off solar. This is the stated power requirements from the Poultry Butler site... he Poultry Butler is shipped for 110 VAC operation. Converting to battery/solar operation will require the purchase of a 12 volt...
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