Recent content by rachiegirl

  1. rachiegirl

    Strange Tracks in Pen *Logical Conclusion on Page 46*

    Snake, looks like a sidewinder. They leave tracks like that.
  2. rachiegirl

    What are these?

    In line--- Rhode Island Red....Easter Egger....and Comet(red sex link)
  3. rachiegirl

    Barred Rock or ???

    The first one is a barred/EE? cross of some sort. The second could be a Dominique if that's a rose comb. Where did you get them?
  4. rachiegirl

    Do you know what breed these are?

    Looks like a production red. Is the big one crowing, cause they all look like hens to me.....
  5. rachiegirl

    My babies are 7 days old today- any idea the breed?

    Did you specifically order all EEs or are you going by the chipmunk pattern?
  6. rachiegirl

    What color(s) will I get from a comet/BA crossing?

    Does it seem to stay consistent with the same bird? If you have a hen that throws more roos, will that continue to be the pattern for that bird?
  7. rachiegirl

    What color(s) will I get from a comet/BA crossing?

    In addition to the color question, are your odds generally 50/50 m-f at hatch? Or is that way off? What determines it?
  8. rachiegirl

    Ideal Pullet Surprise chicks .. **pics** what are they??

    I have 1 colored like that, but she has noticeable chipmunk striping to her. I'm still leaning toward partridge though.
  9. rachiegirl

    What breeds did I get? pic heavy!

    I'm thinking I got some BR and BA. I did finally realize they sent an extra chick! 26 woohoo!
  10. rachiegirl

    an welsummer or a Old English Game ...

    Maybe a partridge rock?
  11. rachiegirl

    breed and gender question again

    The red chick is a red sex link pullet. Sorry, I can't help with the silkies or ducks.
  12. rachiegirl

    an welsummer or a Old English Game ...

    I looks to dark to me, but I'm not an expert. Can you post some better pics?
  13. rachiegirl

    is this an orloff?

    Orloffs have a beard and muffs.
  14. rachiegirl

    What breeds did I get? pic heavy!

    He's beautiful! I have 2 comet roos, nice looking but I would love to have something with a little more pizazz.
  15. rachiegirl

    What breeds did I get? pic heavy!

    I'll give them a little longer, then post some updated pics. They are slowly starting to change, I'm hoping soon I'll have a better idea what I have.
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