Recent content by radian89

  1. radian89

    Topic of the Week - Feeding table scraps to your flock

    We just started keeping chickens a couple of months ago so we are still experimenting with scraps. They do get fruits and/or veggies every day from leftovers or prep scraps. Tomatoes, lettuce, cukes, zuchinni, strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, watermelon. They do NOT like peaches, pears...
  2. radian89

    Rooster too aggressive with our little chicken

    We took Mark back last night to where we got him (my son's science teacher). He and his family have many chickens, turkey, ducks and geese that they breed and raise so he wasn't worried about Mark being so studly. Within seconds after putting Mark down in the pen he ran over to a group of hens...
  3. radian89

    Rooster too aggressive with our little chicken

    Thank you. He is a good boy and obviously just doing what he is supposed to do, just a little too much for the little hen. I feel bad banishing him to separate quarters and know as soon as we let them out he will make a bee-line for her. Who can blame him, she is adorable! ;-) We have a...
  4. radian89

    Rooster too aggressive with our little chicken

    Our family is brand new to chickens and acquired our little flock in June 2016. We have a Minorca rooster, Minorca hen, Copper Maran hen, Bantam Easter Egger (all about 6 months old), Barre Rock hen and a Rhode Island Red hen (both about 14 months old). Our rooster just hit "puberty" a couple...
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