Recent content by RainbowFlower

  1. RainbowFlower

    Those sneeky little hens!

    Nothing better than seeing a little kid's eyes light up when they find an egg. We have had a few "find" eggs in our nest too. Of course they have to take them home with them. Must say, I always feel that little thrill of excitement when I find an egg in the nest too. I found a 7th egg in...
  2. RainbowFlower

    Those sneeky little hens!

    I'm wondering whether one or more of our girls is hiding eggs. We have 7 hens - 4 have been laying for a couple of months, and 3 of them have only just started in the last couple of weeks. The 4 older girls were using one nestbox in the right hand corner of the coop. I kept a bale of fresh...
  3. RainbowFlower

    Describe your Breed(s) of chickens in one word...

    RIR - cruisy white leghorn - snuggle bunny
  4. RainbowFlower

    Will chickens eat or damage these plants?

    I just let my chickens spend 3 weeks in my vegie garden. It is fenced off, and had grown a lot of weeds over winter (I'm in Australia). There are a few perennials in there, but not many. I found they loved the mint. They dug around the chives, but pretty much left them alone. They also left...
  5. RainbowFlower

    Question about Feeding Meat Scraps to Chickens

    I don't feed mine chicken scraps, or huge chunks of meat, but we had some left over meat pies after last night's dinner, so they went in with the vegie scraps. Mine get the table scraps, and vegie scrapings, so may have some curry and rice, or bits of mince etc. But we have dogs so they get...
  6. RainbowFlower

    Do you know people grossed out by fresh eggs?

    When my son was 5 he decided that he would only eat free range eggs because he wanted "happy chicken eggs". Now we have our own chickens he loves collecting the eggs, and cuddling the chooks. Can't get any more happy than that!! And my daughter comments that our chickens have such lovely...
  7. RainbowFlower

    fresh veggies....

    Nerfy, Sorry it is off topic, but your TNR cats have me a bit intrigued. Does "trap neuter return" mean that you release them back to the wild (feral) once they have been neutered, or you give them homes with people? Can't say I'd be happy with the concept of releasing feral cats, but then we...
  8. RainbowFlower

    Wow, I never really believed that chickens memories were THAT short...

    My chookies seem smart in comparison to some. They all go in out of the rain (we don't have snow), however, they do seem to like paddling through puddles. Maybe they like wet feet. And while we are on the odd pronunciation thing try these: Canowindra - pronounced Can-OW-ndra Goonoo Goonoo -...
  9. RainbowFlower

    Do you know people grossed out by fresh eggs?

    Here in NSW we have mostly brown eggs in the shops, so having our chooks lay brown eggs is not really a surprise. And our local free range farmer sells them for $4.00 a dozen. Free range eggs from the shops are between $5.50 and $6.00 a dozen, or you can get the "special" eggs that come in...
  10. RainbowFlower

    Do you know people grossed out by fresh eggs?

    I must admit, I was a little wary of using the "chooks bum" eggs. Of course, I knew that all eggs come from chooks bums, but buying the shop bought ones removed that mental link. However, I would never ever go back to shop bought eggs (once I use up the eggs that the butcher gave me because I...
  11. RainbowFlower

    Chickens still not roosting...using nest boxes instead!

    Mine took a little while to figure out where to roost. They were roosting on the edge of the nesting boxes, but then one day they just decided to roost on the support beam at the top of the coop. It was not even put there as a formal roost, but they all squeeze up there. It is a square beam...
  12. RainbowFlower

    All wanting to be in a corner & a confontational "hen."

    Were they scared of something? When my now 7 week olders were put in with the bigger chookies (in a small cage within the big cage), I came out to find a big chookie in the small cage (she had accidently fallen in the trap door at the top). The three littlies were hiding in the corner of the...
  13. RainbowFlower

    Update Please read!

    Looks just like my hens. Mine are Rhode Island Red, cross New Hampshire, so are a bit darker colour feathers. And mine are a bit fluffier about the bums, but then they are a bit older too. But the comb and wattle on mine are exactly like that. And they are very red too. I know they are hens...
  14. RainbowFlower

    egg wont hardboil

    Wow, that's a long time to boil eggs. I usually do hard boiled eggs for 5 minutes - put the egg in the cold water, bring to the boil, then time 5 minutes. 3 minutes for a soft boiled egg. But then I am at sea level, in Australia, so maybe we do it differently here? I wonder whether the...
  15. RainbowFlower

    Encouraging chickens to lay

    We've had red wattles for about a week now, and they just scratch all of the hay out of their nesting boxes. So I guess I just have to wait. Maybe I'll go find some golf balls. Or maybe just asking on here will produce results, because it did with getting the chickens to go downstairs out of...
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