Recent content by Rainkore

  1. Rainkore

    I love the duckling on your profile picture :love

    I love the duckling on your profile picture :love
  2. Rainkore

    Why do my ducks do this

    I think it’s when the drakes air sacs empty or when they’re trying to impress other drakes. My boys do this in a group, especially a certain two of them, who are brothers.
  3. Rainkore

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Army face
  4. Rainkore


    This is just how I tend to do it so please get multiple opinions. It depends how stubborn the older ones are, I put three day old chicks in with a two week old just fine but I’d say to try it and remove them immediately if there is any severe attacks. A little pecking is fine. Have a second...
  5. Rainkore

    Call ducks

    Call ducks are very noisy and ducks in general aren’t great house pets. They love water, and would prefer to be outside where they can swim and forage around. Ducks are extremely messy and they poop everywhere, and it’s very watery. If you kept them inside they would need their own room with...
  6. Rainkore

    Keep one word, drop one word

    Golden potato
  7. Rainkore

    Scratch in duck beek?

    The dent looks alright, duck beaks get scratched and chipped sometimes, but it’s usually fine if it’s that small. But the tongue thing is worrying, I don’t wanna worry you, but my duck used to do that when she had seizures. Can you try to look into his mouth to see if there’s anything in his throat?
  8. Rainkore

    Colored Cayuga pics

    They’re absolutely beautiful! I’d only heard of the blacks and blues before. Thank you for the photos!
  9. Rainkore

    Where can I get pigeons?

    I wish I could, I don’t really have time or space because of an unexpected rabbit pregnancy. :thI might be kinda far away too, thanks for the offer, though! I’d never use pigeons for dogs. I was just looking for pets, honestly I don’t have any reason, I just love pigeons.
  10. Rainkore

    30 below weather

    It depends on the breeds you have and their comb size. If they are silkies or bantams, you’ll need to have a good heater. If they have bigger combs, a radiant heater might be a good idea. Ventilation is really important, so heaters would be the best option for chickens that get cold really...
  11. Rainkore

    Where can I get pigeons?

    I’ll look into those, they’re gorgeous and adorable, though to be fair, all of them are. I’ve been looking at Homing pigeons. I’ll have to do more research because I only know the basics, but thank you, it’s helped a lot! :)
  12. Rainkore

    Where can I get pigeons?

    I tried Craigslist but the only listing I could find were a few that could be shipped from the other side of the country, which I thought was a long way. I am a little scared to order online since I can’t see the set up or how they’re treated, plus COVID spreading like wildfire, but as long as...
  13. Chicken Group 2018

    Chicken Group 2018

  14. A604B07D-7598-44AA-86E8-EB470331B51E.jpeg


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