Recent content by RamHemiTX

  1. RamHemiTX

    One of my chickens is a jerk

    I'll set out a camera, I'm not saying you couldn't be right, but I don't think it's a snake. The eggs aren't crushed, merely split open one of them last night wasn't split it was just cracked. There was what looked like a single spot where a beak would have done the deed. That being said, I...
  2. RamHemiTX

    One of my chickens is a jerk

    Their feed is a16% layer feed and they get mealworms almost daily. The eggs can sit there all day long and they leave them alone. It's only when they come in to roost at night that they do this. It's really odd.
  3. RamHemiTX

    One of my chickens is a jerk

    I have 5 chickens, all laying. I usually go collect eggs around 5-6 pm after I'm done working for the day while they are still free-ranging. Sometimes, life gets in the way and I cannot get out to the coop before dark. This used to be no big deal. I would go out, make sure everyone was on the...
  4. RamHemiTX

    Frustrated with Easter Egger

    I've got three boxes. They only use one. She laid an egg the other day while standing on a roosting bar. She's an odd bird.
  5. RamHemiTX

    Frustrated with Easter Egger

    My EE finally started laying but won't lay in the nesting box. She's laying on the floor of the run. The other girls say hey, that looks odd, let's peck the crap out of it. Once again, I end up with a pretty green egg that goes in the trash instead of the basket and ultimately my stomach. At...
  6. RamHemiTX

    When to move to the big house

    There is a ramp, just not in the picture.
  7. RamHemiTX

    When to move to the big house

    I got 5 chicks on 8/18 (Golden Laced Wyandotte, Welsumer, Double Laced Barvelder, Ameracauna, and a Rhode Island Red) so they are approaching 6 weeks. Up until this weekend, I was not sure how I was going to integrate them with my last remaining hen of my 6 Plymouth Barred Rock hens. The rest...
  8. RamHemiTX

    What's eating my chickens?

    I realize it is a long shot, but any ideas as to what would eat the *** end out of a chicken and leave the rest. This is the second one this week after having them free range for over a year with no issues. I'm kinda getting ******.
  9. RamHemiTX

    Tiny Egg Thursday

    Soooo. The girls have been laying for 3-4 months now. I got 5 eggs from my 6 Barred Rock hens today. Of the 5 normal eggs, the average weight was 1.71 ounces. The tiny egg tipped the scales at 0.85 ounces. Is this normal? Thoughts?
  10. RamHemiTX

    One broody hen and the rest won't lay.

    Dan, No rooster or fertilized eggs is correct. I won't be able to build a "time out" cage until this weekend. I am thinking I may just pull her out of the run in the morning and leave all the others in until noon. That way, if it was her running them off they should be able to get in the...
  11. RamHemiTX

    One broody hen and the rest won't lay.

    I am trying an experiment. I have locked 3 hens in the run/coop and the broody broad outside. One of the hens I locked in immediately went into the coop and headed right to a nesting box. I wonder if the broody broad is scaring the rest of them away when they try to get in the coop??
  12. RamHemiTX

    One broody hen and the rest won't lay.

    I do have two feeders and multiple nipples on the "water pipe". They only fight when kept in the coop. When they are free ranging, they come and go and eat and drink without incident.
  13. RamHemiTX

    One broody hen and the rest won't lay.

    Duplicate post, sorry...
  14. RamHemiTX

    One broody hen and the rest won't lay.

    I can do that, but I assure you there is no where in the yard that I have not looked. They also fight a lot when I leave them in the coop. There are two in particular that are just mean. They are not aggressive towards people, just the other hens. They won't let the others eat or drink...
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