Recent content by Ranger3

  1. Ranger3

    Not eating feed

    Thanks for the advice everyone - I came home to my first egg from this group today!! So now I'm feeling pretty bad that I'm forcing them to eat something they don't like. So I'm off to the feed store in the morning. Wondering Crazy, why don't you use layer?
  2. Ranger3

    Not eating feed

    It is a pellet. I did try the mash, and they do eat that a little bit. But thank you for the reminder about the mold; I"ll be sure to watch out for that. I like the pellet because the crumble really is a waste of feed. There is so much fine stuff in it that they don't eat. I feel like I'm...
  3. Ranger3

    Not eating feed

    So I am just switching over my 18 week old chickens to layer from grower, and they are not having it. They don't like the new feed. If I make them tough it out will they start eating it when they get hungry enough or do I need to give them a different feed? They were getting the chick...
  4. Ranger3

    Older hen and trouble laying an egg? One hen died...

    Thank you so much for your response. I read through the info in these links and that is exactly what she had (the one that died). I did check my other hen for an eggbound egg, but did not locate one, so not sure what will happen there. These hens were great layers their first two years, and...
  5. Ranger3

    Older hen and trouble laying an egg? One hen died...

    I had one 3 year old hen die a few weeks ago and I'm not sure why. She appeared to have some internal issue, as a few weeks prior to her death she laid the oddest egg I had ever seen. It was about 2 " wide and 4 " long, bread-like texture for the shell, and hollandaise looking yolk. She...
  6. Ranger3

    Is food and water necessary over night?

    Thank you all for your posts! Great ideas from experienced folks; I appreciate it! We will be building a bigger hen house, but for now I think they will be ok.
  7. Ranger3

    Is food and water necessary over night?

    I have a small hen house and only 4 chickens. I hate to take up space for food and water in their house if they are just sleeping anyway. When I let them out in the morning they go to the feed right away, but don't seem to be harmed by not having it overnight. They still all sleep together in...
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