Recent content by Ravishaw

  1. Ravishaw

    Notes from Chicken Rebuttal Society (Updated with new pics post #22)

    This bulletin is being brought to you from Suzie... Lamentably, several weeks back, dear, sweet Agnes passed on to chicken Heaven along with six of her flock. It's been hot here, on Beehive Road. But I had to pick up this quill and pen a note to our dear colleagues that have awaited...
  2. Ravishaw

    heat - lost 7 - coop cooling question

    I have a rather large coop, just screened it with hardware fabric to keep out the baddies. My problem is that yesterday 7 hens died because it got hot and they couldn't get into my garden and root around in the dirt I'm guessing. The coop is in shade 100% of the day, there was water but they...
  3. Ravishaw

    Notes from Chicken Rebuttal Society (Updated with new pics post #22)

    6/4/2011 Well it’s been an amazing couple of weeks, out here on Beehive Road on the edge of Phoenix. Several months have come and gone! Where has the time flown? I spoke with Agnes today and she announced she’s taking a leave of absence from her writing duties while she adjusts to the new...
  4. Ravishaw

    You may have a chicken addiction if...

    i thought this post was going to be another "you might be a redneck if..." derivative... I like the decals though, very cool!
  5. Ravishaw

    I had forgotten what being Spurred felt like...

    my phoenix rooster attacked my kids several times, and i had to put him down... dowel over the neck followed by a sharp yank. My new rooster, a Barred Rock seems to be pretty harmless. He sure talks a lot though.
  6. Ravishaw

    silly pullets

    i have 8 pullets that are feathered, growing, and more-or-less socially acclimated to the rest of the 18 or so hens in the flock. They don't roost on the roosting bars in my coop, they sleep outside the nest boxes all huddles together in one mish-mashed pileup of brown, white, peach and fuzz...
  7. Ravishaw

    French taunting

    ne'r stand beneath a heckled hen!
  8. Ravishaw

    I DID turn a rooster loose on 25 innocent unsuspecting hens

    yes, i meant shih tzu I thought my spelling was at least a good attempt at educated guessing. Update on Pavoratti: He's doing well. He doesn't look tired, and my barred rocks have taken up to following him around (much to the annoyance of the hen he came with). Agnes, the chief conspirator...
  9. Ravishaw

    I DID turn a rooster loose on 25 innocent unsuspecting hens

    Well Sunday evening, I did it. I let pavoratti out. He didn't bolt and run, he calmly walked out the door and landed on the ground with a loud thud. I guess he's a lot heavier than the hens. His crow is kind of short... But he let one go, and started in the direction of the coop door. He...
  10. Ravishaw

    I DID turn a rooster loose on 25 innocent unsuspecting hens

    it replaced my s-h-i-t-z-u with nonsense in the original post btw
  11. Ravishaw

    I DID turn a rooster loose on 25 innocent unsuspecting hens

    For the past few days, Pavoratti, my new Barred Rock Rooster has been sitting beside the main coop in the 2 bedroom brooder/apartment. He hasn't complained or flogged the little chicks next door or the hen he came with. He's been amazingly tolerant I must say. But I can see he wants to get...
  12. Ravishaw

    my roo

    gold laced wynadotte FO'SHO! And he sure seems mighty confident in himself. better draw a dot on his toenail for entertainment.
  13. Ravishaw

    How NOT to move chicks from the brooder... a fun day at the funny farm

    this story is just dandy... the salt of life.
  14. Ravishaw

    Notes from Chicken Rebuttal Society (Updated with new pics post #22)

    Well it’s been an amazing couple of weeks, out here on Beehive Road on the edge of Phoenix. Summertime is starting to rev up it’s fervor and heat things to the point of boiling. Yesterday one of the barred rocks laid an egg and I swear it came out hard-boiled! It’s been an amazing couple of...
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