Recent content by rdw02053

  1. rdw02053

    Dead ducks - Hatch help

    This was about 10 days. I took the eggs out of the auto turner and set them on their sides in the bottom of the incubator and then filled all the pans with water. I was able to get it up to about 70-65% RH with the temp at 100. Didn't open it or anything for 6 days until the one duck hatched.
  2. rdw02053

    Dead ducks - Hatch help

    The membrane is clear-ish, what was under it was black. I am thinking it is dead duckling soup.
  3. rdw02053

    Dead ducks - Hatch help

    So I incubated my first set of eggs. Out of the 9 fertile eggs, 5 made it to lock down. Post lock down I only got 1 new duckling. I opened one of the unhatched eggs and what I found is in the pic below. Any Ideas as to what lead to my defeat? Thanks, RDW
  4. rdw02053

    When do ducks start laying eggs??

    That really depends. I got mine in March of 2013 and didn't get eggs until April 2014.
  5. rdw02053

    2 week old gosling bald spot on back

    I agree, he is just wet. I had the same thing this year. Three little guys all in the same brooder and for some reason two were nibbling at the little guy's back - not pulling or anything, just nibbling and slobbering all over him. They eventually stopped and it went away. Silly geese.
  6. rdw02053

    When do ducks start laying eggs??

    I have Silver Appleyards and I just got my first eggs today! Got these ducks back in April 2013. So it took about 11 months to get my first eggs.
  7. rdw02053

    When do ducks start laying eggs??

    I got my Silver Appleyards in April 2013 and have no eggs yet. Hoping to see something any day now as the days lengthen.
  8. rdw02053

    When do Ancona normally start laying?

    I am in the same boat. Got my silver apple yards in Apri last year and no eggs yet.
  9. rdw02053

    Where can I get American Buff Geese?

    Excellent! Thanks!
  10. rdw02053

    Where can I get American Buff Geese?

    Hello, I recently lost my American Buff Goose. I am looking for a replacement to keep my gander company. Anyone know of a source for a female American or two? Thanks!
  11. rdw02053

    Beat up goose

    @flockman Do you have a source for sexed goslings? All the hatcheries I see only sell Male/Female pairs or straight run.
  12. rdw02053

    Beat up goose

    Thanks for the kind thoughts and ideas.
  13. rdw02053

    Beat up goose

    I am not sure. She was moving around in the morning before I isolated her, walking and drinking with the rest of the flock. Then I move red her into the garage by herself. That's where she spent the night. She was lying down in the box. She was drinking but not eating. Then this morning...
  14. rdw02053

    Beat up goose

    Sad news....she didn't make it. I checked on her last night before bed. This morning she was dead. :(
  15. rdw02053

    Beat up goose

    I guess I am not 100% sure I have a male and female. Betty is definitely smaller and has a thinner neck. Barney has been a pest the last few days. He has been charging and hissing at me. He hasn't touched the ducks at all. I hadn't seen any mating yet. The were just fine together until 2...
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