Recent content by Redbird1950

  1. Redbird1950

    ANtique Purina Feeder...

    In the late 1950s and early 1960s my uncle raised broilers. He had no automated feeders or waterers. He has been gone for quite a number of years but my cousin still lives on the farm. She converted the two broiler houses into equipment storage barns BUT because my uncle never threw anything...
  2. Redbird1950

    what kind of comb does my rooster have?

    It appears to be a triple row p-comb. I have had a lot of p-comb roosters over the years. I have seen single, double and triple row p-combs.
  3. Redbird1950

    anybody raise sprouts to feed the chickens?

    I built a box that is 2' wide and 6' long out of 1"x6" treated lumber. I did not put a bottom in it but on top I put 1/2 square galvinized wire hardware cloth. I set it in the outside portion of the pen. I then filled it halfway up with potting soil. Then I liberally sprinkled oat and wheat...
  4. Redbird1950

    My 17 hens are eating 50lbs in less than a day , is this normal ?

    If you have chickens you are going to have rats and mice unless you practice diligent rodent control. You may never see them as they are mostly nocturnal. They love all types of chicken feed.
  5. Redbird1950

    incubating eggs

    Did you turn your incubator on and let it stabilize to the desired temp before putting the eggs in?
  6. Redbird1950

    Dirty eggs

    I have found that a real good way to get the poop off is to gently scrape it off with a popsicle stick.
  7. Redbird1950

    Hello from North Georgia....

    I have been raising chickens off and on most of my life and I am 62 now.. I grew up on a small farm and we usually kept between 20 to 30 chickens pretty much all the time. Mostly Rhode Island Reds and white leghorns with a few bantams running around free ranging the barn area. I worked on an egg...
  8. Redbird1950

    do my chickens need a bath?

    Unless you are preparing them for a show I would not wash them. By doing so you will wash off the natural oil on the feathers. When the weather clears up and the mud is all gone they will preen themselves all nice and shiny again.
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