Recent content by redfancy78

  1. redfancy78

    6 hens one sick chicken, are the eggs safe to eat?

    Found this thread, wondering the same thing, two days ago our rooster started showing signs of illness - watery eyes and nose...the hens he is with seem fine, but are their eggs ok to eat? We are going to start him on Tylan and treat the whole flock to be safe, but like I said, just wondering...
  2. redfancy78

    What kind of rooster is this??

    Any idea what kind of rooster this is?
  3. redfancy78

    Sumatra Thread!

    Is this a Sumatra cross rooster? Or if not, any ideas what kind he is?
  4. redfancy78

    In Clovis/Fresno, California - Amerecauna Roo rehome

    Is he still available? Thank you for your time.
  5. redfancy78

    Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

    congrats! and um I don't believe there's such a thing as a chicken problem :-)
  6. redfancy78

    Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

    Hello! I have a blue copper maran and a splash maran, both from our local feed store and they are now 3 months old...roos or hens...your thoughts?
  7. redfancy78

    Wing Sexing Chicks

    chick two's head and wing...hatched 4-21-14
  8. redfancy78

    Wing Sexing Chicks

    chick one's wing, hatched 4-20-14 interesting one white feather
  9. redfancy78

    Wing Sexing Chicks

    Help sexing if possible! Chicks are from a black bantam cochin roo and Americauna hen...tx! Here is chick one's head
  10. redfancy78

    Ameraucana / Cochin bantam mix

    Hope...hatched 4.20.14 Faith...hatched 4.21.14 Black Bantam Roo, Ameracauna hen(s)...wondering if same hen since they look so much alike
  11. redfancy78

    Ameraucana / Cochin bantam mix

    this is our first chick, hatched today! Father is a black bantam, mother an ameracauna
  12. redfancy78

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    My favorite baby, still not sure if roo or hen though
  13. redfancy78

    Hens laying outside?

    Similar issue, any advice would be most appreciated. We had 4 hens, all laying inside, then started to free range with the rooster (who also lived in the coop) but he ended up being mean and so he was rehomed. Introduced 4 new pullets to the coop and they seem to get along fine. Got a new...
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