Recent content by Redfisher1997

  1. Redfisher1997


    Yeah I wish I could keep him
  2. Redfisher1997


    Hey everyone! Anyone in the Tampa Bay Area or close by looking for a young rooster to add to their flock? I have a beautiful black and white Easter egger roo that is 11 weeks old. Hasn’t started crowing yet but it’s an obvious roo. He is sweet tempered in fact today I picked him up and he ate...
  3. Redfisher1997

    Heat lamp too hot, chicks being in the "dark" ok?

    Thanks guys i think im just going to replace the heat bulb with a normal one so there is light in there but no heat
  4. Redfisher1997

    Heat lamp too hot, chicks being in the "dark" ok?

    Yeah thats what i figured but i just wanted to make sure it was ok, once again byc saves the day
  5. Redfisher1997

    New member, been chicken owner for about 15 weeks

    :welcome Glad to have you join us!
  6. Redfisher1997

    Heat lamp too hot, chicks being in the "dark" ok?

    So i just recently moved my baby chicks into the coop last night, This is the setup, plenty of ventilation and i have glass and wire over the door so the big chickens living in the run can see them and get used to the little ones. The heat lamp is 3 feet above them and there is a 8' fan on...
  7. Redfisher1997

    Chick got scalped (GRAPHIC PICS)

    I have an EE and this exact ring happened to her, some neosporin and care I got the skin to grow back and she is 3 years old now lays consistently and the only side effect is that she is bald! The feathers won’t grow back but it makes one funny looking chicken
  8. Redfisher1997

    Temporary/ mobile "run" for young chicks!

    finally tried it out today!!!! and they loved it, the big chickens even showed up to check them out. took a bunch of pics so here they are! you can see the little ones in the background
  9. Redfisher1997

    The Perfect Free-Range Chicken?

    idk about the marans or game fowl but i can tell you i agree with lilJoe on the Orpingtons, my girls were great layers, and when they would free range they were very good/ effective free rangers, and my roo, Clyde, was bad to the bone, he not only warned the flock of danger but he was so fierce...
  10. Redfisher1997

    Moving chickens from garage to a new (and hot) coop

    living and having chickens in FL i know a thing or two about heat lol :hewhat i find works best is hanging a fan facing into the coop and turn it on high, put it in front of your ventilation so its sucking the air from outside the coop and blowing it into the coop. this simple extra "wind" does...
  11. Redfisher1997

    Welcome to the backyard chat!

    Honestly though.... you bring up a good point. that would be an awesome picture, might go throw a chicken in the pool later...:gig
  12. Redfisher1997

    How do you keep your chickens cool?

    Shade is the best, my run is dirt/sand combo so it helps them cool off to dust bathe, frozen watermelon or strawberries, on REALLY hot days i put ice in their water, kiddie pool with shallow water my turkey used to love to sit in it when it got hot, chickens not so much but it was cool and they...
  13. Redfisher1997

    Welcome to the backyard chat!

    Lol youre right but dont give me the credit i found that pic on google! :lau
  14. Redfisher1997

    Barred rock gender?

    i'd say pullet also, don't know if you've had them in the past or not but i currently have 2 BR's and at one point i had up to 8 of them... great birds!
  15. Redfisher1997

    Temporary/ mobile "run" for young chicks!

    Well with my new chicks growing every day they need to be let out more and more because the part of the coop i want to put them in is not ready yet ( they currently live in a kiddie pool with wire cage around it) and they need more space to roam so today i built a mini run with some wire that i...
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