Recent content by redfordchick

  1. redfordchick

    mareks and meal worms

    I feed mealworms almost daily sometimes, sometimes weekly, I raise them myself and also buy dried. Never had an issue.
  2. redfordchick

    please help - sick birds not eating

    Look for mold. Look under anything that touches the ground. Is the feed moldy? Inside coop?
  3. redfordchick

    Best type of coop??

    Nice. Thanks. Do you happen to know what the cost of the metal roof was?
  4. redfordchick

    Best type of coop??

    Can we please see pics? Particularly of the bottom that is movable? My husband started building the base for an 8'x8'...
  5. redfordchick

    Sick Chicken- PLEASE help

    I would keep him separate until he's better, or in case you lose him. Really impossible to give you the chances of each outcome. However, I would treat naturally under most, if not all, circumstances and let what will happen happen.
  6. redfordchick

    Help! Egg bound hen!

    I would get the egg out. There's plenty of info online on how to do it... If she doesn't make it at least your tried. Can't see not trying at least if she is really suffering for so long.
  7. redfordchick

    Help! Egg bound hen!

    They need to be given calcium but I'm still not sure what the quickest and most efficient form of calcium is- especially when oyster shell is already out free choice.
  8. redfordchick

    Help! Egg bound hen!

    Soak her tonight, she might not make it to tomorrow.
  9. redfordchick

    Panting hen?

    Mine pant like crazy when they need to lay their eggs.
  10. redfordchick

    Vaccinating my 10 week old chickens for Mareks and need advice on correct syringe/needle gauge size

    I just ordered from Ideal Poultry, and they even had a little message that said if you have a small flock they do not recommend vaccinating. Side note- have you read the PBS article about the Marek's vaccine? Not worth it. Vaccines are not improving health or ensuring it either. Good luck though.
  11. redfordchick

    bumble foot

    Oh boy, poor girl. Bumping to hopefully find you some help.
  12. redfordchick

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Aww, she really is lovely. I just didn't need the extra so it will have to be very special to stay, lol.
  13. redfordchick

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Thank you, a Delaware would be nice. She is on the golden side compared to the sultan. I guess I will know soon enough :) a buff Orpington would be awesome too.
  14. redfordchick

    Meyer Hatchery Chicken pics anyone??

    Can anyone help me identify my meal maker? I ordered 4 other chicks, all females. A sultan, gold lace polish, buff lace polish, and silver lace polish. The meal maker is different for sure, clean legs but same color as the sultan and buff polish chicks.
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