Recent content by REIKIGIRL


    chicken seizures?

    Yes she is still alive. She is a house chicken and still has no feeling in her legs . She sits with her legs straight out behind her and she gets around her cage with her beak and her wings fluttering, So sad. She is not in any pain.. I read that St. Johns Wort helps but it did not do anything...

    Hypericum for Nerve Damge

    I just ordered some too. I read this somewhere and sending it on to you. 1 tablespoon of DISTILLED water per tablet Hypericum (must be distilled water, tap water is ionized and will deactivate the Hypericum) - MUST be mixed in a GLASS or PLASTIC bowl (metal with react with the water...

    chicken seizures?

    My Silkie hen has been in perfect shape until a few days ago, I picked her up and she started screeching and kicking and I put her down and she was rolling around and since then she has no feelings in her legs at all. She is a house chicken and I do not understand why this happened Her eyes...
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