Recent content by renegade_hens

  1. renegade_hens

    Anyone recommend a wireless camera we can put in our coop?

    we LOVE our wireless camera, we can access it thru DLink at any time on our IPhones. I can make sure that the automatic pop door has closed or if one of the girls has missed closing time and is sitting on the ramp to the hen house. we have even used a camera to monitor the chicken feeder for...
  2. renegade_hens

    California - Northern

    Cheyenne, my Dobie/Cattle Dog mix, is the best dog we have ever had. At night she will sit on the back step watching the backyard or patrol it for critters during the summer. Even if she is inside the house she instinctively knows when something is in her yard so we let her out to chase it out...
  3. renegade_hens

    Partridge Rock Thread

    read some posts from some very unhappy forum members regarding California I need to find another source for PR chicks. Now I'm checking out Chickens for Backyards. They have 3 chick minimum for this time of year.
  4. renegade_hens

    Partridge Rock Thread

    ronott1 thank you for the shout out.....the passing of my bosse bird Pepper has left a void in my little flock.
  5. renegade_hens

    Partridge Rock Thread

    I just lost one of my Barred Rock hens and would like to add a couple Partridge Rock chicks to my small poultry posse of 4 BO and now 1 BR. Has anyone in Calif gotten chicks from Calif Hatchery down in Yucaipa, CA? If so, how was your experience with them? They offer a 3 chick minimum which is...
  6. renegade_hens

    Chicken Landscaping

    I have daffadils in my yard also but my girls aren't interested in them at all but the french lavender I had in an container was promptly scratched to death and nibbled on
  7. renegade_hens

    What is your Chicken's Favourite Food? (List 3 only)

    Without a doubt....BANANAS!!!!! I can't hardly get into their yard without them jumping up to snatch pieces out of my hand. I also give them broken up hard boiled eggs and pieces of apple. They make this grumbling growling sound as they chow down their treats. I have some very spoiled birds.
  8. renegade_hens

    Is nest box to BIG?

    My experience with undivided nesting boxes is my bossy BR would chase the other hens out of the nesting area, so for me having my two nesting boxes with a divider works better.
  9. renegade_hens

    letting the girls out too late

    we put an automatic pop door on our hen house...programed to open at 7am and close at 7:30 pm. no fuss, no muss. we do a head count each evening to make sure everyone's inside and give all a pet goodnight:love
  10. renegade_hens

    What is your girls' favorite treats?

    My girls absolutely love bananas, cored apples, watermelon. They see my husband as the treat man and come a runnin:weee:weee:weee:weee:
  11. renegade_hens

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Cinderella, our smallest BO was the first of our 6 hens to lay the 1st egg. She is our smallest hen and the lowest one in the pecking order (poor girl), so we very surprised that she was the 1st one!!!!
  12. renegade_hens

    Wall mounted feeder, made it myself

    Quote: my hubby mentioned that concern as well but that's the beauty of diy....I can tweek if necessary:D
  13. renegade_hens

    Wall mounted feeder, made it myself

    Quote: this feeder is only 5" deep at the top and will be wall mounted inside the hen house so I don't think my girls will use it as a perch since they free range during the day. the only difficult part in making this feeder was the angle cut for the side pieces which my husband cut for me...
  14. renegade_hens

    Wall mounted feeder, made it myself

    I have been looking for an inexpensive hopper style feeder but couldn't find one that didn't cost an arm and leg so I built one. It's 17 1/2" wide by 24" long, not sure how much feed it will hold since I just finished it. Now we'll see how well it works!
  15. renegade_hens

    Your Chicken Pictures Needed For The BYC 2012 Calendar

    Here is a picture of Chiffon one my 19 week old Buff Orpington
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